Saturday, December 18, 2010

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The Duarte Xalapa, compliant government

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

as he promised in his campaign as candidate for Governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte Ochoa kept his promise to be with the people in upstate once anointed as state president, to take the checkered flag to start the work of Tuxpan-Tampico highway.
En la que fue su primera acción de Gobierno, rendida la protesta ante el pleno de la LXII Legislatura del Estado como Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Veracruz, de acuerdo a la nota escrita por Mónica Tejeda Hernández y el testimonio gráfico de Karla Lucía Pablo, el nuevo Mandatario estatal señaló:
“se cumplió la palabra empeñada hace algunos meses, cuando les dije que el norte de nuestro estado sería una prioridad y que nunca más el norte de Veracruz estaría desconectado del resto de la entidad".
Evidentemente satisfecho, con emoción, Javier Duarte avaló con su primera acción de Gobierno y asistencia a la cita que meses antes había programmed with the inhabitants of the north of the state, the following words in the next six years of government of Veracruz expect to see materialized
"I started a compliant government, demonstrating the will and spirit that I have to give results from the beginning "
I think with the above, it gives continuity to avoid a reinvention of the state as occurs every six years, although those who lost the election do not appear, but as the governor himself said Duarte Ochoa in making representations to local Congress, "Fidel Herrera get a government that always acted with great energy and commitment for women and men from Veracruz."
We hope so
of Veracruz, energy and commitment of the Governor of Veracruz with his constituents, no more, no less.
And in his speech to the deputies, the governor Duarte acknowledged that "what comes is a stage that correspond to the profound economic and social rights, a step that requires time to act and act well."
"New challenges and new needs of people requiring prompt and better answers" and "as a government we have to lead these changes before the changes will leave us behind."
is not it will work as governor Javier Duarte has received a wand magic and so clear in the legislative forum with over one thousand guests attended the ceremony that "there will be issues that require quick response, others that we may take longer, but rest assured that we will start working on them , starting now. "
and began "to and" with the checkered flag to start the construction of the road Tuxpan-Tampico. As the first commitment fulfilled, others are pending across the state and everything points to that vision of future state government has just begun, is the act of a governor who will not remain seated in chair main presidential palace in Xalapa, Veracruz, but all round.
Thus his call to all the Veracruz to "build an ambitious agenda that Veracruz actually a socially just and economically efficient" will reach each and every Veracruz, native and adopted, it will be to citizen participation as can achieve prosperity.
no use looking back, the Veracruz have to go forward with the governor Javier Duarte if we are to achieve a prosperous state. Visit our blog

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Goodbye Dona Eloína

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

I think if someone could use like a glove the phrase "I'm not tiny gold to be liked all "That was Dona Eloína Merino Vargas, leader for more than three decades of the Trade Union of Workers in the Service of the Universidad Veracruzana (SETSUV) who makes good and bad memories to many.
Among the former are a number of their constituents, among the latter nearly all the Guiding Leading Academic and certainly to all administrators of UV had to deal with it in the trustee-employer negotiations.
hardihood as general secretary of the union that led with an iron hand for anyone to leave the crate, put Eloína Dona and disposed of squares and workloads, but to academics, students and staff confidence in the UV never liked their own ways and postures. Yesterday
probably went to rest in peace, for he was always in their offices SETSUV except for justifiable reasons had to rest a few days or walking in committees outside the state capital.
In my early reporter in the late Sol de Xalapa, commissioned me to interview. Their offices were not yet in Orizaba Avenue, but I think in Xalapa Avenue, the memory is vague because the first interview with Dona Eloína was almost 30 years.
grim as ever, but also when he laughed he did it without limitations, to finish the interview I did book in hand because the recorders were not the essential tool as they are now, I warned, "tomorrow I will buy your newspaper to see if you publish what he really declared, because if not we'll see the faces "and laughed that chanted two or three of his followers.
Fortunately for me, the publication was not saying anything but then Dona Eloína bought two newspaper subscriptions remained until it disappeared and in subsequent interviews with this reporter I loved and fed the ego to tell the union present, "I like this guy ".
As the song says Alberto Cortes, time passed and as I stopped covering union sources but did not stop to greet the leader every time I found it and certainly, for the same reasons for taking different paths were increasingly scarce greetings and meetings.
Yesterday I learned with surprise by some news Web sites Dona Eloína had died. I was surprised because I think that the last time headed the union and labor negotiations for a little over three thousand members and held together by tight control inland. Women
character kept his cycle in front of a union whose leaders have to face the challenge of filling the shoes of the former leader. Again
wish you rest in peace. Visit our blog

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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The messenger

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

The journalists we always played the role of messengers. Communicators say now to those studying to devote himself to writing, reading or television news broadcast, because essentially communicate. We also believe and investigate, but basically communicate what some say to inform or influence others.
Governor until 30 November as well as he remarked, Fidel Herrera Beltrán, knows very well, and so calls to employees or representatives of the media the following, verbatim according to the article published by the Chronicle of Power website on Friday 19 November.
"Please clarify, that no one owes you anything and all will be paid."
The second is easy and print media have published, have said in radio and television newscasts communicologists and not to mention that was also published in the news web pages: they will pay everyone has said has provided the Governor and the millions in the State Treasury.
Fidel Herrera Beltrán himself has reiterated that it issued instructions to person concerned to shut down the state government vendors who complain about lack of payment. Then then what is happening inside the bureaucracy in charge of making such payments, specifically the Ministry of Finance and Planning?
quite apart from the complaints of teachers and municipal workers, it seems that the outgoing secretary, Salvador Sanchez is not obeying the orders of the State Executive, you know he and the Governor why. Or perhaps the State Treasurer will not pay or charge to transfer the resources are not having the ability to answer, because there are resources and the order of Fidel Herrera Beltrán has been clear: pay now.
Is this important wing of the state bureaucracy to which Uncle Fide sends the message that the Governor of Veracruz until November 30?
Because the delay between what the Governor has said repeatedly and what the payment is made, uncertainty is present, it grows like a snowball, run over to the creditors and the figure of Fidel Herrera Beltran is a perfect target for attacks by internet media and his opponents, who do not lose any opportunity to discredit him.
Governor If you said they are deposited resources available to pay creditors of the State Government, as to comply and now, because otherwise you can not post or say on the radio or on television presenting is already paid to all that nothing is owed.
When this happens, Fidel Herrera Beltran, who has always been the main pages and important space on the radio, television and the internet, you can be sure that as on other occasions, without being prompted, almost all will agree has been paid to all and nothing should be, so be unarmed opponents again.
Meanwhile it will not be that way.
Visit our blog and leave your comments.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Eating Disorders, Steelwool And Greenwool

series Remember Alf? Mihaly Meszaros

of 83cm This man began his career in the circus as the world's smallest man, shot to fame for an interview NBC, starred in the role of Alf for a few chapters and then was moved like a puppet, what Michael Jackson looks into this?
dating back to the Dangerous
We got on the cover, our friend Alf Dangerous album cover, then also go with Michael on many public events in ; time

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Alf and Michael Jackson goes online an excerpt from an unreleased music video for Michael Jackson

Los Ángeles (EE.UU.), 16 nov (EFE).- Un extracto de un vídeo musical grabado por Michael Jackson para la canción "One More Chance", publicada en 2003, apareció ayer en internet por primera vez como adelanto de una colección de DVD sobre el "rey del pop", informó la web TMZ.
El nuevo vídeo dura algo más de 2 minutos y muestra a Michael Jackson cantando para un grupo de gente sobre la mesa de lo que parece un restaurante.
La grabación tuvo lugar en 2003 en Las Vegas (Nevada), justo cuando Jackson se enfrentaba a una orden de detención acusado de abusar sexualmente de menores, un proceso judicial del que salió exculpado, pero que marcó the rest of his life.
Jackson's collaborators were responsible for finally completing the assembly with the intention of including it in a collection of three DVDs on the singer called "Vision", as retail is planned for late November.

Source: EFE

Monday, November 15, 2010

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bureaucratic Prejudice

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

addition unfortunate and painful, is an outrage that bureaucrats apply their biased point of view to accomplish tasks they are entrusted and assigned by his superiors, I do not know if lack of time or interest, little or nothing supervise the personnel under his command.
Last Friday my dear friend Rosuka Pop, along with his mother requested the implementation of the free trial for HIV in a stand that expressly set the Municipal Institute of Women in Xalapa that directs Guadalupe Rebolledo Guillaumin.
Well as if they had committed blunder by daring to ask for proof Older, responsible, assume that doctors or nurses at best, made it clear to the applicants for the Lady of all respect, there was no evidence, because according to the brilliant understanding of the contributor, or be employed you know what it is the INMUXAL, had no active sexual life.
And how did you know that the mentioned person?, I insist we do not know what position or task performed at the Institute led by Lupe Rebolledo. Do you walk to the Mother of spying Rosuka is Perdis close friend or neighbor of the lady?
is a prejudice that many endure the thought that older adults are not sexually active, but otherwise it's Mom Rosuka was until a couple of years active nurse. But there are the arrogant person you know has an accent only coastal and justify their rude attitude with the applicants on the following arguments: "She has no relations, it has not been submitted to transfusions "and other claims by the style, as if she lived attached to the elderly or knew their secrets.
Anyway that did not give the service and it's over, but when asked if it was the Municipal Institute of Women in Xalapa unit responsible for the campaign to free HIV testing "for all", the above set up in anger and dropped the pearl widely listened by almost all of us and serves as a shield to bad bureaucrats: "What, I get charged", assuming in advance that her complaints to be given to their superiors, as in this case would be the Director of INMUXAL, you do what the wind Juárez. Maybe if it
close friend of Guadalupe Rebolledo, maybe your family, your midwife for better or worse, belongs to a powerful local union in which to move an employee is better to sue the mayor or mayor, as the case and have better results.
And not to say that we exaggerated kind readers here we left another "nice" expression of municipal bureaucrat assume "if she got sick, he would be dead."
Imagine that you, with all due respect, someone said similar words before his Mother, you do not of said what reaction would be? Anyway, what matters is reaction will know that the director of the Municipal Institute of Women in Xalapa, Guadalupe Rebolledo Guillaumin if you read these lines or someone says the same.
And do not ask for the name of said the municipal official Rosuka because our friend, wise and decent woman, retired from the local installed, again, on Friday November 12 at the park INMUXAL Juárez and I suppose that a slight investigation will allow the Director of the Institute will let you know who it is because we do not ask or public lynching but proper correction so skewed attitude.
For, in conclusion, were treated rudely TWO WOMEN by another woman who works with an institution is the least we should do is ensure the right of women.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carriage Diaper Cake Instructions

The children of Michael Jackson: "Dad was the best chef in the world" suffers setback

The three children of Michael Jackson have spoken to a little over a year and a half of the sudden death of his father . I have done in the popular Oprah Winfrey , although outside the traditional studio. To provide to interview a family environment, the presenter talked to the children in the garden at the back of the house where they live.
Prince, Paris and Blanket evoke the figure of the king of pop , but from the personal side. "Nobody understood what good father who was was the best in the world," said Paris, 12.
"was the best chef in the world ... it was just a normal father," abounds in revealing that the specialty of the artist in the kitchen were French toast. Prince, 13, evokes the best moments spent with his father. It was at the time he lived in Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, where "We used to wake up early and strolled up the beach." For road were well supplied: their father had Coca-Cola, chocolate bars and Lacasitos.
The youngest son of Jackson is the least talkative. Blanket, 8 years old, admits that while his brother could "do anything" with the king of pop, he could not.
Winfrey Asked what they most yearn for her father, Paris is categorical: "Everything."


Sunday, October 31, 2010

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The die is cast

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

say that the Roman emperor Julius Caesar launched the phrase "Alea IACT est (The die is cast) after conquering Gaul and decides to return to Rome, home of the Senate which some members had been talking against him, calling the war expand the empire as illegal and therefore should leave office. Julius Caesar
dares to cross the Rubicon, so that if it was illegal in those days for the Roman army and therefore obeyed the legionnaires who hesitated to follow, but as a leader, not a military commander, Caesar advances and it urges the other side: IACT alea est (the die is cast).
The story goes that the soldiers put aside their fears, they crossed the river and escorted victorious Julius Caesar to Rome.
Although the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation, after analysis and discussion of the complaints filed by the parties opposition decided to recognize the victory of Duarte Javier Ochoa in the last election as governor of Veracruz on Sunday July 4, claims persist.
That is illegal not only the election but also the decision of the judges who without foundation, with pure assumptions, have been accused of corruption. The law does not act, they know well to non-specialists or exercise of law-based on assumptions but on hard facts.
However, as in the case of Julius Caesar, there remains more to do to cross the river because Veracruz and Veracruz are waiting for work, not just the Governor Elect of Veracruz, but the 212 municipal presidents that from the first of January 2011 will take up their positions to give that same character to the Selectmen with which form the City Council.
TEPJF With the decision has closed the election cycle and no time to enter a desired post-election conflict. There are so many things to do in Veracruz, specifically in areas hard hit by recent natural phenomena, to seek to distract and waste time in arguments logically caused by resentment of defeat, is an attack on Veracruz.
Yes, it is very important to democracy and respect for each and every one of the citizens vote, but the chips are down they like about and not others. Veracruz Veracruz and urgently need the planning of actions aimed at economic recovery and rescue of those who lost everything and this is not going to make ground, discussing an electoral chapter closed.
few days ago I read Pepe Valencia, a former candidate for mayor and local MP for opposition parties to call for unity around the Governor Elect of Veracruz, which accepts manfully not voting for him, Javier Duarte Ochoa, but I agree with fellow journalist who now is the time to work on the Veracruz, which can not be done if the attention will focus on discussions and arguments.
The Veracruz victims have not been rescued yet, and if they just have to deal mejoralitos pneumonia. The stronger, harder, harder still to be done and you should not miss any more time, because while the electoral uncertainty was present, the State's actions almost stopped.
And just as the defeated are asked and go to work, keep walking, not be amiss to tell angas or sleeves that have been declared winners. Its leader, not his head, crossed the river and has reached out to opponents and offered to take into account their proposals for governing Veracruz.
is not prudent or valid that fans, supporters and associates of Javier Duarte Ochoa during the election process, now stoke the fire, you throw more fuel on immature and arrogant attitudes must remember that victory and to forgive, is to win twice.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clairol Color Intensifier

father of Michael Jackson in court of appeals

The 'King of Pop "left two of his friends in a will signed in 2002 and excluded from his father with whom she had numerous confrontations. Notimex

Posted: 26/10/2010 16:03

Los Angeles. Joe, the father of Michael Jackson, suffered another defeat in a California appeals court rejected his contention that the legality of the administration of estates of the late King of Pop .
justice panel of three judges of the Court of Appeals for the Second District of California ruled its opinion on Tuesday in Los Angeles.
The court ruled unanimously that Joe Jackson, 81, can not intervene in any way in the administration of the estate of his son Michael, who died in June last year and left a will.
Joe Jackson called for the revision of the responsibility of property management that Michael left two of his friends in a will signed in 2002 and excluded his father with whom she had numerous confrontations.
Appeals Court heard arguments on a motion by Joe Jackson at a hearing on 6 October and then ruled as leading.
In February the singer's father had also filed another lawsuit in which required hospital medical reports Ronald Reagan at the University of California at Los Angeles in order to determine the cause of death.
Joe Jackson has been demanding a monthly pension to the stewards of the late singer who was not mentioned in his will.
In his will the King of Pop called only mentioned his mother Katherine and her three children fathered through artificial insemination, in addition to channel resources to charitable foundations.

source: www.jornada.unam.m

Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Alcohol and steering wheel stock

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

By 2005, more than half of deaths in motor vehicle accidents was because the drivers were drunk. The percentage has been increasing over the years up to 10 percent on average because increasingly, not only those who drive a car until urban passenger trucks, consume alcohol, which even many who are accustomed to driving while intoxicated deny it, if it affects your reflexes and encourages reckless attitudes to travel on streets and highways.
The drunk driver not only risks his life but that of others: pedestrians, motorists and even people who work in public places, for example, gas stations. Collide with other vehicles, causing other drivers, drive irresponsibly and speeds through the denial of their reflexes do not control the vehicle if necessary, run over, injure and kill other people walking by sidewalks or cruising the streets. Dejan
pain, embarrassment and financial loss to their families, but they are taking their own alcohol at work or family celebrations, to which they have every right and it is your taste, but definitely not what we have is to risk the lives of other people and risking the family heritage by having to pay damages caused by their negligence.
Governments at all three levels have taken action to minimize traffic accidents caused by drunken drivers: is implemented in major cities throughout the breathalyzer at night, especially on weekends which is when the greatest number of accidents are recorded and dire consequences, with dead people are unfortunately present. Media
promote the designated driver, but the numbers continue to fuel the statistics and pages of the sensationalist newspapers realize the "accidents" caused by drunk drivers. Family, friends and acquaintances of those killed by drunk drivers do not even have any remorse for what they cause more severe corporal punishment require not only administrative permit to the offender that the cynical and arrogant "and you pay for" .
The problem of drunk drivers unfortunately not resolved completely with stiffer penalties and operational to prevent walk through the streets drunk driving, but are necessary steps that would have a better effect if there is awareness among decision makers believe that alcohol and drunk driving irresponsibly better, their families and Friends should not let the drunken lead How many friends have died from drunk driver accompany?. Although it seems
cry in the wilderness, to the growth of traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers, we must warn and warn everyone: now the dead are affected and to others, people who do not even know, but tomorrow tragedy you can tap on our door to tell us that a relative, friend or the same drunk was killed for his irresponsibility.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Islamic Message For Daughter On Wedding


Tejeda Olmos Elisha

started as a joke among local reporters implementation of term "niniperiodista" a certain class of people who mix with reporters at press conferences and public events, whether political, social or business, even more heavily on the former.
We apply the adjective "niniperiodista" the person who poses as a journalist, but not write or publish anything, but in most cases is devoted to borrow money to those detected as characters eager to be published or mentioned in Notes newspaper.
In my early days as a reporter just three decades ago, in the first 20 years or detected recently saw a "niniperiodistas." Later, having the opportunity to be Head of Press and several government agencies, private associations, political parties and several candidates for elected office, I faced the onslaught of blackmailers of journalism, some with a simple revista de poca o nula circulación presumían estar a la altura de periódicos como Excelsior o de El Universal, porque hasta el Diario de Xalapa les quedaba chico.
Cuando no se tiene experiencia en el periodismo o poco se sabe de él como ocurre actualmente con muchos directores, jefes o enlaces de prensa, según sea el caso o dependencia, pues esos chantajistas agarra pentontos como les dicen los mismos periodistas, sacan raja, conmigo más de uno hasta quiso enfrentarse a golpes porque pues nunca conté con presupuesto para satisfacer sus exigencias.
Pero bien, ocupado en mis proyectos personales y profesionales, dejé de andar unos años reporteando en la calle pero ahora que he vuelto me he encontrado with which a plague threatens to become detrimental to the noble task of journalism, so many niniperiodistas landscape and are part of routine reportorial activity, which even some junior reporters have confused me with one of them for unexplained reasons and generational unaccustomed to having to investigate.
Anyway, joking and laughing matter, seeing action at the niniperiodistas consider some colleagues of my generation and some other of the current that must be exposed to the political, social, and commercial, whom neither even be accused of usurpation of functions because, I repeat, do not write or publish, but are dedicated to seek and accept quantities from 50 dollars to where they leave out the object of your request.
But what harm do niniperiodistas readers may wonder? Well apparently none, because it would demonize the beggars outside the churches or those that are installed on the streets of downtown, but at least these are assumed as such and people will see it that way: beggars to that everyone knows how and why they give away money.
It is regrettable that petty politicians also narrow-minded, believe that such people is a journalist and pejoratively assume that all decent and professional reporters do their job would smile and praise them for fifty, a hundred or 200 pesos at the most.
If you want to ask for alms in news conferences or political events, in the case of the first to take place in restaurants that its managers will then put the warning sign as in many places that they reserve the right of admission: prohibited niniperiodistas entry.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Taking Xanax Before Brazilian Wax

Start new trial video for Michael Jackson concert


A judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles set a date to start a new civil trial related to the secret videotaping of Michael Jackson and his lawyers during a flight in 2003.
The process is promoted by former Jackson attorney Mark Geragos and Pat Harris against a defunct private airline and its owner.
The start date for new trial for invasion of privacy was set for February 14, informed the court on Wednesday.
After the first trial, Jackson's lawyers had won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit filed against the owner of the airline XtraJet Jeffrey Borer in March 2008, but an appeals court ruled that decision in January.
Geragos asked for a new trial instead of receiving a lower figure for compensation. Previously, Borer and an associate have pleaded guilty to conspiring in a separate criminal case.

Read more: # ixzz12MtO8WHv

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Name Is Jeff Snl Skit

death Fidel fall for

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

had thought and was told that the boat soon Gov. Fidel Herrera Beltran would be one more of those affected by the floods and damage caused by Hurricane Karl, specifically political. Much is wrong, again, their malquerientes and critics, because Uncle Fide misfortune has proved its ability to political surfer, climbing on the crest of popularity caused by the pressure of misfortune that nobody, not even the president of Veracruz, we wanted to happen in the ravaged lands of Veracruz Papaloapan Basin, Los Tuxtlas, Minatitlan and Coatzacoalcos.
I think-and I have every right as those who think otherwise, that since the governor Fidel has done what he had to do: get away at the head of all institutions and for having moral and physical support to those affected. Talked with my good friend from boyhood adventures, the Cat Morales, its no wonder how people get Uncle Fide when it comes to see them, cuantimás if other governor has ever done so in times of misfortune and that may not be recurrence (visits). Annoyed
to Uncle Fide malquerientes that inadvertently has been wanting to focus on international spotlight, as when the only case of H1N1 flu in the community of La Gloria, a town of Perote and that certainly has become the forgotten after of fleeting fame media and I visited every 15 days when a time came to deliver the newspaper Veracruz option for those courses and their inhabitants had no idea that the world would be a point of attraction.
Now with the flooding and it seems that early disappearance of the considered world heritage, the beautiful Tlacotalpan, cradle own or adopted by the poet, musician, Agustín Lara, the Coatzacoalcos River overflowed, collapsing bridges by force of water and winds of Hurricane Karl, the governor Fidel resumed broadcasting of television, newspapers of Mexico City, from abroad and not to mention on the Web, cyber-land politicians seeking to win in the sin are taking penance.
Politicians pay penance for being the cyberspace still a common ground, but not limited to public access, but also set them promote their mistakes are pointed out inconsistencies and large, which obviously do not like but do not take into account , deceiving as usual, or dismissing the comments with a simple shrug and sneer in their mouths.
Tan captured the attention the state of Veracruz and rebound the figure of Gov. Fidel Herrera on his closeness to its people, its people affected by natural forces in the empire Telerisa, the "Masters" Joaquín Lopez Doriga and its appendix political comedy "The sleeves of the jacket" showed videos edited to remove the figure of Fidel governance and glorify only President Felipe. Burda
for Veracruz media maneuver that almost every day have been closer to those affected Uncle Fide, which is undeniable and irreversible and that has led to the Governor of Veracruz to fall again ... up.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Bucharest, Michael Jackson was born

There are now 18, began with this concert tour, same is not the best but probably the most televised and seen around the world, October 1, 1992 was the big concert Bucharest Dangerous Tour in

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Best Black Work Tattoo Artist

up the unsung heroes Veracruz Live! Tlacotalpan

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

That is refreshing and encouraging to see that in the midst of misfortune a battalion of young people so selflessly offered to attend and physical and moral support to the thousands of victims channeled to the different shelters located in the port of Veracruz.
As in the 1985 earthquake civil society has acted quickly and although they say from the official sector, unorganized, to support those who need food and shelter, while the lofty bureaucrats responsible for the areas of civil protection, disaster response , similar social and agree on how and when and who will deliver the aid. Developer
is one of the marginalized neighborhoods which is located within the boundaries of the municipalities of Boca del Rio, Veracruz, has come before all, a van from the Yucatan! support for victims who have no clean water sufficiently.
cause great indignation that many who were ordered by institutions to support those affected by Hurricane Karl, take advantage of the affected material, charging that supposedly support or has been officially proclaimed to be free: potable water from pipes, shuttle boats and marine public safety and reconnections of electricity up to 5 thousand dollars!
The politicization of the supports, because the victims do not really matter to them are red, blue or yellow and pantries that have assembled and the PRD received that by now you probably already delivered to the victims. What matters is that help comes, in fact now there is no time for pettiness. Some
society groups have organized themselves into cells to deliver support directly and support their own food and water primarily, whether to expedite the delivery thereof or distrust of the organizing institutions, but remarkable here is that since last Friday, for example, have come from Xalapa these groups of citizens with no flag, no captions, no banners, no colors, no emblems, with genuine and pure support to help, to sympathize with many of those now left with nothing, homeless, without food and without even comfort.
seems that a week of that misfortune fell on communities of La Antigua, Veracruz and Boca del Rio, so federal and state authorities reached an agreement to help seriously in everything you can to the victims, at least not should do it is their duty and obligation.
So who, if they deserve a round of applause and recognition are those young men, these women, those men who anonymously have reached out and extended his arm to help his fellow man. Veracruz Those heroes who do not seek the spotlight, interviews, the picture in the newspapers. These people in these coming days and we have shown the best of human beings, such as those shown otherwise behave like hyenas, vultures and predators that feed on carrion.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

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virtual world of Michael Jackson J5 live

See Virtual Worlds have reached an agreement with managers of the estate of Michael Jackson to create a virtual world based on the late singer.
Users can interact in the virtual world about life, songs, dances, costumes and the philanthropic work of Jackson. Each of the places of "Planet Michael" will be based on a song.
Downloading the software is free and without connection fees. See Virtual Worlds hopes to profit by selling virtual products.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Naughty America Films

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

had not had the opportunity to visit Tlacotalpan for many years, although every year I say now if I go to parties de la Candelaria! Because my daughter Monica by workload could not go to tour flooded the area asked me to cover last Friday, which I did gladly because fortunately preserved the reporter's vocation, however what I saw on arrival after a journey of nearly two hours by boat on the squeezed me Papalopan heart.
Tlacotalpan reluctantly been abandoned by its inhabitants. A few are surviving on rooftops and waiting for help from anyone: the Federal Government, the State or society itself, organized or disorganized, but help arrives, it is important.
The tour aboard a Navy vehicle, the streets are empty and the doors open houses by the forces current one and the other by miscreants to seize the opportunity given to the prey. Only Tlacotalpan Museum is guarded by the military as it hosts a century-old work valued at just over 20 million dollars and already ordered the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán be rescued soon.
In one street, a family, father and mother, daughter and grandson, he told the reporters the evil that afflicts those who left and those few who remained. Despite rondines police, marines and army, the vultures take their tricks to break the door to death at night and break in and steal what they can.
Later, on a bridge that serves to cross what in normal times is a stream, now a makeshift shelter where the family eat each tlacotalpeños half that remained to guard their homes and their neighbors.
True, Tlacotalpan people are so accustomed to the invasion of the waters of the Papaloapan who dismissed warnings by Civil Protection authorities and municipal government, because for many, many years ago, not had seen a flood of such magnitude as to almost drown Tlacotalpan, the city loved by Agustín Lara.
Of those who were and are in shelters a few raised their things beyond one meter. Furniture and other items that are not plastic, and were spoiled. It is worth saying that I am sure many will have lost everything: furniture, clothing, things of sentimental value.
Other victims are animals, pets, their owners did not stop uploading or ships or boats. Some drowned and others have fortunately been rescued by friends and protectors of animals, as Laura Haddad another group of his companions in addition to reporting has gone Tlacotalpan with few resources but a lot of courage to work and save as many animals as possible.
There are many unsung heroes who at best will in the pictures: sailors, soldiers, boatmen, brigade, drivers, staff Sedesma, Civil Protection, Ministry of Health and police. To them, the Sinnett, we acknowledge that many of them have been there for 20 days Tlacotalpan least the same time you have been there PC's secretary, Silvia Dominguez, who, with integrity and loyalty to the victims, have permanent security.
went and came back to Xalapa, in thirty years of work I have seen disasters, deaths, injuries, disasters, fires, emergencies of all kinds, but seeing Tlacotalpan last weekend in these conditions almost makes me mourn, but it does not must be met to report and since the only good news, but good in the end, it will decrease the vent of the dams and it is expected that the water level down to the city thereby enabling the tlacotalpeños return to their city, for the counting of damages.
hope and solidarity, such as that shown by many Veracruz who have answered the call of public and private as the DIF as Avan Radio, continues to demonstrate it when the inhabitants of the Pearl back Papaloapan need further assistance, food and drinking water.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ovaltine Light Magnesium Content

flood Civil Protection

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

Go to the overflowing of rivers and heavy rains have too much absorbed to officials, workers of state and municipal civil protection, especially those from Southern California. Well, until the Civil Protection of Xalapa, although there are no rivers to flood the state capital but colonies of the lower parts that are affected by runoff, go reteocupados and concerned about the rain and consequent flooding and potential flooding in the lower parts of the city.
Well, at least so say the operators who answer the phone when, as last Friday night and Saturday morning from residents of the colonies Carolino Anaya, balconies and attached Sumidero spoke alarmed to report a strong gas leak, said that as a taxi driver who was to leave this passage on the high street plant in light of the CFE, sufficient for a lit cigarette smoker happen out there so we had the sad news of an explosion.
Nothing happened, the alarmed neighbors and could breathe easy on Sunday 4 September patriotic month, because fortunately there were no fireworks or thunder because of an explosion because the gas leak disappeared as mysteriously as it arrived. Also let me
write (say, if a reporter for radio or television) before speaking at Civil Protection neighbors did where they have been told you have to dial in an emergency: the number 066, where more than one, with some trouble the operator and operator, according to whoever answered, the phone forwarded to the Civil Protection, where as we know, so go go basis reoccupied as pesky alarmed just because it smells much gas. Hopefully soon cease
heavy rains and the threat of flooding in Xalapa, for then the Civil Protection of Xalapa take a little time to answer calls as of Friday and Saturday gas leak, total say in their slogan that prevention is better, because then nothing more we complain!

* * *

Yes, it is very true, to wit not beat the "sleeveless vest, but so is the business like Telerisa, since more than visible trends capsule Friday they want to show the hero President Felipe Calderon on his visit to Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, wetting his feet up to eight blocks and inserting a good job of editing a video of Gov. Fidel Herrera goes by boat to Mayor Papaloapan pearl, not to get your feet wet as the President.
If Calderón got the military vehicle to feel the rain that flooded the streets of Tlacotalpan, but he did behind Fidel Herrera, the only merit of the President would have fallen first, beat the jump for Uncle Fide, but he knows the ways and funds, no way to be lowered first to the Mexican president.
But anyway, business is business for Telerisa, maybe is the charge for bills not covered as those on the left PRI Jorge Carvallo dolphin, but otherwise the cynically hold virtual plurinominal deputy from November 4 next.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Neutrogena Advanced Solutions

busy bye Marco Polo

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

few days ago Belín Alvaro commented on Facebook, the parka members were busy with journalistic limb. Death, now considered holy by his followers, took a few weeks ago Fidel Samaniego journalist when he came to the port of Veracruz to spend their holidays. A massive heart attack ended the life of whom much like our earth, Veracruz and whenever he could, came to the port to be a milkman with his friends. I think
that was my friend Gaudencio García Rivera, editor of 12 hours, who introduced me to Samaniego. Seldom had the opportunity to greet him, but me was always a simple and pleasant, extending his hand to shake with the opposite force, not as others would hardly simulate and rub the presented or known.
Anyway, sad loss but we all have to go some day, we are ready or not. On Friday 20 August, another journalist colleague and friend to us in advance: Marco Polo Villanueva Cuenca, Cuenca brother Aurora Villanueva. For her, the children and wife for many years Telever correspondent in Xalapa, our solidarity and heartfelt condolences.
Marco Polo had its affects and disaffected, their friends and malquerientes. With reason and unreason, but as the saying goes, no one is tiny gold to be liked at all.
Marco was a man no hard feelings. Once, several months ago, I found him sitting on the steps of a major state government buildings. I was going to leave some copies of the paper option Veracruz and asked him was there.
He told me he was waiting for a lofty official who had been assigned to a payment of overdue bills and whose resources were required to land him his project of having his own studio to record the news I had planned to broadcast on cable television.
had been sitting on the steps because the staff of yore had not deigned to serve you for the umpteenth time and through his aides avoided him with the usual "and merit." Months later I met him again in another place and the payments were not met, but never lost the hope of fulfilling his goal, his dream.
still a few weeks ago, spoke with his loyal assistant, Jose Luis. The project continued without landing, and the promises remain unfulfilled. I suspect that were never fulfilled. Marco Polo was another journalist more a victim of the hypocrisy of politicians, that in their heyday were not original form of flattery to be on the news that sent Telever. Rest in peace
Marco Polo, like it or not, your friends, colleagues and acquaintances we will reach you sooner or later and then I think there will be time to continue talking. Also you have failed to leave, sooner or later with all his meanness.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Monitor With Card Reader

Back to classes, the fees each year

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

Will some 40 years in which primary and secondary education was virtually Free. The demand for places in schools of these two educational levels was not much. Some schools, especially the evening, they had trouble filling the minimum enrollment and the morning, students covered by middle-class families (out of middle class still in Mexico) would hardly fill their bag limits.
For parents of generations past four decades, it was relatively easy to point to their children at the school to decide, whether it was near or far from home.
The limiting, yes, it was like now the economic issue because, for example, if parents aspired or dreamed that her son was Governor of Veracruz as made the effort because their offspring to attend the prestigious school "Enrique C. Rebsamen, "because her children attended several prominent people in politics who became Governors.
The prestigious school uniform is only sold in particular agreement of local managers and the owner of the house uniforms, who made fortunes for many years to have a monopoly on the manufacture of such clothing official and binding.
Today, not only primary or secondary schools of prestige as old as the Rebsamen, demand management by their unique uniforms, but also certain school supplies and a series materials that teachers say will make the student receives a better education and thereby ensure a better economic and intellectual future.
As this is precisely the desire of parents, or buts place and if they do they are comforted with the justification that will do everything necessary so that their sons and daughters, but do not become executive officers or state of homeland, at least get the necessary relations for the past or tomorrow morning, be in position to work for the government in any of its three levels.
But that justified interest, and in almost all primary schools, high schools, teachers to they care more about the appearance of their students that intelligence, encouraged and matching with parents that are unfortunate enough to many directors of parent companies, demand-not ask or request-exaggerated or similar registration fees even greater than the Universidad Veracruzana.
The refrain of the directors of a parent who would not pay so much is the charge that for children everything must be done, such as allowing some vivales each year are distributed a few thousand extra dollars.
And repeat the same song from the education authorities: denounce, tell parents, because their children must be registered before requiring the fee for the society-mafia parents in many cases be more appropriate.
Almost everyone knows that is the reverse, the requirement if mafia because the secretary or teacher in charge of registering students, after reviewing the documents said as naturally as the father or mother: now go through the management of the "mafia of parents" to pay their share and then return with the receipt to enroll your child.
For those who have dared to denounce the blackmail, because that's even if you want to call it otherwise, as well as public accusations against the rest of the paterfamilias, know the risk also met many times, from retaliation against their offspring with neglect, abuse, physical and psychological abuse and poor grades.
these days of anxiety and torment for parents with children in school, whether primary, secondary, preparatory and pre-school and up, as I have talked. Now is the martyrdom of shares each year for which even institutions like the Teachers Insurance, spend much of their resources to give them short-term loans to those entitled to have a way to meet this commitment and has reached to the lending of up to one million pesos a day. Comments

Friday, August 13, 2010

How To Congratulate Mother With Birthday

Recommended Spike

Recommended by Michael777jackson
is amazing how someone so young was Capades to be a super performer on stage, you get thinking while listening to the cd michael and see life has been so complicated, feel emotion and pain, but thank you for your talent to give us

I recommend that you may buy, I did in the English court

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Paty Manterola En Bikinis

Michael Jackson at the funeral of his grandmother

Michael Jackson at the funeral of his grandmother

Is There A Final Level In Nazi Zombies

Homer Simpson vs Michael Jackson

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Uninstall Acer Arcade Deluxe

story of a chef who worked for Michael Jackson Memories of the past

I was the Executive Chef of the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim and that's where they begin to cook Michael Jackson in the eighties, first with his personal chef who cooked Mani Khalsa at his residence, and then on my own. I had just been selected as a member of Culinary Team USA, a prestigious achievement, winning three gold medals at the Culinary Olympics in global competition, was the first Pilipino / Asian Americans in this group elite chefs. So who better to cook for Michael in his "second home" of a chef International Award? YME Mani would coordinate the menu and the list of goods via fax (no e-mail in those days) for Michael's frequent visits he became "my baby." Michael visited Disneyland several times in his career and was "blessed" with the opportunity to cook for the "King of Pop" every time you stay with us. Many celebrities

rent an entire floor when staying in a hotel, but Michael drivers are rented the entire floor above and around the floor under Michael. Logistics planning Michael's every move are daunting. Since the development of alternate routes and his entourage, to the development of costumes I saw in her living room set, the coordination of food service completa.Me made incredible efforts that Michael had the "Happiest Place on Earth" . Michael
menus at the time were a bit difficult as a vegetarian and followed strict guidelines in preparing their meals. Although I would have liked to present dishes inspired Filipinos, it was all about tracking the meal plan for Michael. Batch of smoothies and purees, stews and vegetarian sandwiches, and his favorite dish, tofu and cheese enchiladas green tomatillo sauce.

With Michael in the hotel, I like to prepare myself the day to day operations to be on call "24 / 7" of Jackson, his entourage and guests. I liked to create special storage areas for food of Michael, even leaving aside the equipment such as blenders, utensils, pots and pans designed to "food preparation only Michael." I liked Michael prepare food in our kitchen and in his suite, that gave me the opportunity to take a look at his personal life as well, "so personal" as could be, with drivers for many attendees around him .

I was in the suite Michael to prepare their meals and on occasion, he entertained large groups of people. Michael walked into the kitchen while I was cooking and commenting on "how good the food smelled and looked." It could even take a sample of what I was cooking and favorable comment. It was through these exchanges that I took my first impressions that Michael was a nice, calm and respectful. He never seemed to be demanding or impressed with him. These feelings soon were confirmed in a big way. One night, Michael came to the kitchen, gently grabbed my arm and said, "Boss, you're going to sit down to dinner with us." Totally surprised by the delicacy and the generosity of Michael, I first nege me, but Michael has persisted and soon found myself sitting timidly on the edge of the table, stirring the food on my plate, watching the King of Pop dinner.

After a number of times cisine for Michel, I asked my family and friends if I took a picture with Michael as a souvenir. I did not want to impose on him for a picture or an autograph. But eventually succumbed, realizing that somehow I was to document my experiences with Michael. Thus, during a visit I had the courage to take a camera to his suite. I had the camera in my pocket every time I thought that the opportunity was, but could not because of my own shyness. I realized that Michael vat of the hotel and this was my chance, or perhaps have to wait until your next visit. Michael walked up to me in the hallway, I was awkward to get the camera and again and again a testimony of his goodness, he'd take off all the pressure, saying: "Let's take a picture!" I handed the camera to one of his assistants, who took the photograph.

The mega-star image World Michael was created by the individual. Was necessary to have control of many attendees, as the demands on him were enormous, but I think its ultra VIP treatment respondent not Michael the person. An example to highlight is a chance that Michael stayed ice cream out of place and was later found, completely melted it was informed the city of Jackson, very worried because Michael was the dessert that night. The aid returned shortly, saying calmly: "Ice cream is not a problem., But can we use helium-port, because we're going to bring Michael's favorite ice cream searched by helicopter for dinner tonight." Here's the deal with a mega star, but I think Michael would have an easy solution for a cup of fruit or other dessert if you knew how much effort is needed to get their ice cream.

Upon learning of his death, my first reaction was shock and disbelief. As confirmations rolled one after another, began to come to grips that the "World's Greatest Entertainer" had left us. The television news began to run videos from many performances of Michael. And to hear the soothing voice of Michael unnudo developed in my throat and my eyes filled with tears.

Michael Jackson "The World's Best Ever" was, unfortunately, a prisoner of his own fame. And because of this, had a controversial and tumultuous life, leading many to speculate and make assumptions. These impressions are often based on what one sees or hears, but rarely based on what one really knows. For me, I witnessed the kindness of Michael, serenity and humility and made it firsthand, and that's how I will always remember Michael Jackson.
