Monday, November 15, 2010

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bureaucratic Prejudice

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

addition unfortunate and painful, is an outrage that bureaucrats apply their biased point of view to accomplish tasks they are entrusted and assigned by his superiors, I do not know if lack of time or interest, little or nothing supervise the personnel under his command.
Last Friday my dear friend Rosuka Pop, along with his mother requested the implementation of the free trial for HIV in a stand that expressly set the Municipal Institute of Women in Xalapa that directs Guadalupe Rebolledo Guillaumin.
Well as if they had committed blunder by daring to ask for proof Older, responsible, assume that doctors or nurses at best, made it clear to the applicants for the Lady of all respect, there was no evidence, because according to the brilliant understanding of the contributor, or be employed you know what it is the INMUXAL, had no active sexual life.
And how did you know that the mentioned person?, I insist we do not know what position or task performed at the Institute led by Lupe Rebolledo. Do you walk to the Mother of spying Rosuka is Perdis close friend or neighbor of the lady?
is a prejudice that many endure the thought that older adults are not sexually active, but otherwise it's Mom Rosuka was until a couple of years active nurse. But there are the arrogant person you know has an accent only coastal and justify their rude attitude with the applicants on the following arguments: "She has no relations, it has not been submitted to transfusions "and other claims by the style, as if she lived attached to the elderly or knew their secrets.
Anyway that did not give the service and it's over, but when asked if it was the Municipal Institute of Women in Xalapa unit responsible for the campaign to free HIV testing "for all", the above set up in anger and dropped the pearl widely listened by almost all of us and serves as a shield to bad bureaucrats: "What, I get charged", assuming in advance that her complaints to be given to their superiors, as in this case would be the Director of INMUXAL, you do what the wind Juárez. Maybe if it
close friend of Guadalupe Rebolledo, maybe your family, your midwife for better or worse, belongs to a powerful local union in which to move an employee is better to sue the mayor or mayor, as the case and have better results.
And not to say that we exaggerated kind readers here we left another "nice" expression of municipal bureaucrat assume "if she got sick, he would be dead."
Imagine that you, with all due respect, someone said similar words before his Mother, you do not of said what reaction would be? Anyway, what matters is reaction will know that the director of the Municipal Institute of Women in Xalapa, Guadalupe Rebolledo Guillaumin if you read these lines or someone says the same.
And do not ask for the name of said the municipal official Rosuka because our friend, wise and decent woman, retired from the local installed, again, on Friday November 12 at the park INMUXAL Juárez and I suppose that a slight investigation will allow the Director of the Institute will let you know who it is because we do not ask or public lynching but proper correction so skewed attitude.
For, in conclusion, were treated rudely TWO WOMEN by another woman who works with an institution is the least we should do is ensure the right of women.


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