Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Goodbye Dona Eloína

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

I think if someone could use like a glove the phrase "I'm not tiny gold to be liked all "That was Dona Eloína Merino Vargas, leader for more than three decades of the Trade Union of Workers in the Service of the Universidad Veracruzana (SETSUV) who makes good and bad memories to many.
Among the former are a number of their constituents, among the latter nearly all the Guiding Leading Academic and certainly to all administrators of UV had to deal with it in the trustee-employer negotiations.
hardihood as general secretary of the union that led with an iron hand for anyone to leave the crate, put Eloína Dona and disposed of squares and workloads, but to academics, students and staff confidence in the UV never liked their own ways and postures. Yesterday
probably went to rest in peace, for he was always in their offices SETSUV except for justifiable reasons had to rest a few days or walking in committees outside the state capital.
In my early reporter in the late Sol de Xalapa, commissioned me to interview. Their offices were not yet in Orizaba Avenue, but I think in Xalapa Avenue, the memory is vague because the first interview with Dona Eloína was almost 30 years.
grim as ever, but also when he laughed he did it without limitations, to finish the interview I did book in hand because the recorders were not the essential tool as they are now, I warned, "tomorrow I will buy your newspaper to see if you publish what he really declared, because if not we'll see the faces "and laughed that chanted two or three of his followers.
Fortunately for me, the publication was not saying anything but then Dona Eloína bought two newspaper subscriptions remained until it disappeared and in subsequent interviews with this reporter I loved and fed the ego to tell the union present, "I like this guy ".
As the song says Alberto Cortes, time passed and as I stopped covering union sources but did not stop to greet the leader every time I found it and certainly, for the same reasons for taking different paths were increasingly scarce greetings and meetings.
Yesterday I learned with surprise by some news Web sites Dona Eloína had died. I was surprised because I think that the last time headed the union and labor negotiations for a little over three thousand members and held together by tight control inland. Women
character kept his cycle in front of a union whose leaders have to face the challenge of filling the shoes of the former leader. Again
wish you rest in peace. Visit our blog


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