Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ohio Drivers License Expired

The messenger

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

The journalists we always played the role of messengers. Communicators say now to those studying to devote himself to writing, reading or television news broadcast, because essentially communicate. We also believe and investigate, but basically communicate what some say to inform or influence others.
Governor until 30 November as well as he remarked, Fidel Herrera Beltrán, knows very well, and so calls to employees or representatives of the media the following, verbatim according to the article published by the Chronicle of Power website on Friday 19 November.
"Please clarify, that no one owes you anything and all will be paid."
The second is easy and print media have published, have said in radio and television newscasts communicologists and not to mention that was also published in the news web pages: they will pay everyone has said has provided the Governor and the millions in the State Treasury.
Fidel Herrera Beltrán himself has reiterated that it issued instructions to person concerned to shut down the state government vendors who complain about lack of payment. Then then what is happening inside the bureaucracy in charge of making such payments, specifically the Ministry of Finance and Planning?
quite apart from the complaints of teachers and municipal workers, it seems that the outgoing secretary, Salvador Sanchez is not obeying the orders of the State Executive, you know he and the Governor why. Or perhaps the State Treasurer will not pay or charge to transfer the resources are not having the ability to answer, because there are resources and the order of Fidel Herrera Beltrán has been clear: pay now.
Is this important wing of the state bureaucracy to which Uncle Fide sends the message that the Governor of Veracruz until November 30?
Because the delay between what the Governor has said repeatedly and what the payment is made, uncertainty is present, it grows like a snowball, run over to the creditors and the figure of Fidel Herrera Beltran is a perfect target for attacks by internet media and his opponents, who do not lose any opportunity to discredit him.
Governor If you said they are deposited resources available to pay creditors of the State Government, as to comply and now, because otherwise you can not post or say on the radio or on television presenting is already paid to all that nothing is owed.
When this happens, Fidel Herrera Beltran, who has always been the main pages and important space on the radio, television and the internet, you can be sure that as on other occasions, without being prompted, almost all will agree has been paid to all and nothing should be, so be unarmed opponents again.
Meanwhile it will not be that way.
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