Saturday, September 11, 2010

Naughty America Films

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

had not had the opportunity to visit Tlacotalpan for many years, although every year I say now if I go to parties de la Candelaria! Because my daughter Monica by workload could not go to tour flooded the area asked me to cover last Friday, which I did gladly because fortunately preserved the reporter's vocation, however what I saw on arrival after a journey of nearly two hours by boat on the squeezed me Papalopan heart.
Tlacotalpan reluctantly been abandoned by its inhabitants. A few are surviving on rooftops and waiting for help from anyone: the Federal Government, the State or society itself, organized or disorganized, but help arrives, it is important.
The tour aboard a Navy vehicle, the streets are empty and the doors open houses by the forces current one and the other by miscreants to seize the opportunity given to the prey. Only Tlacotalpan Museum is guarded by the military as it hosts a century-old work valued at just over 20 million dollars and already ordered the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán be rescued soon.
In one street, a family, father and mother, daughter and grandson, he told the reporters the evil that afflicts those who left and those few who remained. Despite rondines police, marines and army, the vultures take their tricks to break the door to death at night and break in and steal what they can.
Later, on a bridge that serves to cross what in normal times is a stream, now a makeshift shelter where the family eat each tlacotalpeños half that remained to guard their homes and their neighbors.
True, Tlacotalpan people are so accustomed to the invasion of the waters of the Papaloapan who dismissed warnings by Civil Protection authorities and municipal government, because for many, many years ago, not had seen a flood of such magnitude as to almost drown Tlacotalpan, the city loved by Agustín Lara.
Of those who were and are in shelters a few raised their things beyond one meter. Furniture and other items that are not plastic, and were spoiled. It is worth saying that I am sure many will have lost everything: furniture, clothing, things of sentimental value.
Other victims are animals, pets, their owners did not stop uploading or ships or boats. Some drowned and others have fortunately been rescued by friends and protectors of animals, as Laura Haddad another group of his companions in addition to reporting has gone Tlacotalpan with few resources but a lot of courage to work and save as many animals as possible.
There are many unsung heroes who at best will in the pictures: sailors, soldiers, boatmen, brigade, drivers, staff Sedesma, Civil Protection, Ministry of Health and police. To them, the Sinnett, we acknowledge that many of them have been there for 20 days Tlacotalpan least the same time you have been there PC's secretary, Silvia Dominguez, who, with integrity and loyalty to the victims, have permanent security.
went and came back to Xalapa, in thirty years of work I have seen disasters, deaths, injuries, disasters, fires, emergencies of all kinds, but seeing Tlacotalpan last weekend in these conditions almost makes me mourn, but it does not must be met to report and since the only good news, but good in the end, it will decrease the vent of the dams and it is expected that the water level down to the city thereby enabling the tlacotalpeños return to their city, for the counting of damages.
hope and solidarity, such as that shown by many Veracruz who have answered the call of public and private as the DIF as Avan Radio, continues to demonstrate it when the inhabitants of the Pearl back Papaloapan need further assistance, food and drinking water.


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