Thursday, September 2, 2010

Neutrogena Advanced Solutions

busy bye Marco Polo

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

few days ago Belín Alvaro commented on Facebook, the parka members were busy with journalistic limb. Death, now considered holy by his followers, took a few weeks ago Fidel Samaniego journalist when he came to the port of Veracruz to spend their holidays. A massive heart attack ended the life of whom much like our earth, Veracruz and whenever he could, came to the port to be a milkman with his friends. I think
that was my friend Gaudencio García Rivera, editor of 12 hours, who introduced me to Samaniego. Seldom had the opportunity to greet him, but me was always a simple and pleasant, extending his hand to shake with the opposite force, not as others would hardly simulate and rub the presented or known.
Anyway, sad loss but we all have to go some day, we are ready or not. On Friday 20 August, another journalist colleague and friend to us in advance: Marco Polo Villanueva Cuenca, Cuenca brother Aurora Villanueva. For her, the children and wife for many years Telever correspondent in Xalapa, our solidarity and heartfelt condolences.
Marco Polo had its affects and disaffected, their friends and malquerientes. With reason and unreason, but as the saying goes, no one is tiny gold to be liked at all.
Marco was a man no hard feelings. Once, several months ago, I found him sitting on the steps of a major state government buildings. I was going to leave some copies of the paper option Veracruz and asked him was there.
He told me he was waiting for a lofty official who had been assigned to a payment of overdue bills and whose resources were required to land him his project of having his own studio to record the news I had planned to broadcast on cable television.
had been sitting on the steps because the staff of yore had not deigned to serve you for the umpteenth time and through his aides avoided him with the usual "and merit." Months later I met him again in another place and the payments were not met, but never lost the hope of fulfilling his goal, his dream.
still a few weeks ago, spoke with his loyal assistant, Jose Luis. The project continued without landing, and the promises remain unfulfilled. I suspect that were never fulfilled. Marco Polo was another journalist more a victim of the hypocrisy of politicians, that in their heyday were not original form of flattery to be on the news that sent Telever. Rest in peace
Marco Polo, like it or not, your friends, colleagues and acquaintances we will reach you sooner or later and then I think there will be time to continue talking. Also you have failed to leave, sooner or later with all his meanness.


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