Saturday, August 21, 2010

Monitor With Card Reader

Back to classes, the fees each year

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

Will some 40 years in which primary and secondary education was virtually Free. The demand for places in schools of these two educational levels was not much. Some schools, especially the evening, they had trouble filling the minimum enrollment and the morning, students covered by middle-class families (out of middle class still in Mexico) would hardly fill their bag limits.
For parents of generations past four decades, it was relatively easy to point to their children at the school to decide, whether it was near or far from home.
The limiting, yes, it was like now the economic issue because, for example, if parents aspired or dreamed that her son was Governor of Veracruz as made the effort because their offspring to attend the prestigious school "Enrique C. Rebsamen, "because her children attended several prominent people in politics who became Governors.
The prestigious school uniform is only sold in particular agreement of local managers and the owner of the house uniforms, who made fortunes for many years to have a monopoly on the manufacture of such clothing official and binding.
Today, not only primary or secondary schools of prestige as old as the Rebsamen, demand management by their unique uniforms, but also certain school supplies and a series materials that teachers say will make the student receives a better education and thereby ensure a better economic and intellectual future.
As this is precisely the desire of parents, or buts place and if they do they are comforted with the justification that will do everything necessary so that their sons and daughters, but do not become executive officers or state of homeland, at least get the necessary relations for the past or tomorrow morning, be in position to work for the government in any of its three levels.
But that justified interest, and in almost all primary schools, high schools, teachers to they care more about the appearance of their students that intelligence, encouraged and matching with parents that are unfortunate enough to many directors of parent companies, demand-not ask or request-exaggerated or similar registration fees even greater than the Universidad Veracruzana.
The refrain of the directors of a parent who would not pay so much is the charge that for children everything must be done, such as allowing some vivales each year are distributed a few thousand extra dollars.
And repeat the same song from the education authorities: denounce, tell parents, because their children must be registered before requiring the fee for the society-mafia parents in many cases be more appropriate.
Almost everyone knows that is the reverse, the requirement if mafia because the secretary or teacher in charge of registering students, after reviewing the documents said as naturally as the father or mother: now go through the management of the "mafia of parents" to pay their share and then return with the receipt to enroll your child.
For those who have dared to denounce the blackmail, because that's even if you want to call it otherwise, as well as public accusations against the rest of the paterfamilias, know the risk also met many times, from retaliation against their offspring with neglect, abuse, physical and psychological abuse and poor grades.
these days of anxiety and torment for parents with children in school, whether primary, secondary, preparatory and pre-school and up, as I have talked. Now is the martyrdom of shares each year for which even institutions like the Teachers Insurance, spend much of their resources to give them short-term loans to those entitled to have a way to meet this commitment and has reached to the lending of up to one million pesos a day. Comments


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