Saturday, October 16, 2010

Islamic Message For Daughter On Wedding


Tejeda Olmos Elisha

started as a joke among local reporters implementation of term "niniperiodista" a certain class of people who mix with reporters at press conferences and public events, whether political, social or business, even more heavily on the former.
We apply the adjective "niniperiodista" the person who poses as a journalist, but not write or publish anything, but in most cases is devoted to borrow money to those detected as characters eager to be published or mentioned in Notes newspaper.
In my early days as a reporter just three decades ago, in the first 20 years or detected recently saw a "niniperiodistas." Later, having the opportunity to be Head of Press and several government agencies, private associations, political parties and several candidates for elected office, I faced the onslaught of blackmailers of journalism, some with a simple revista de poca o nula circulación presumían estar a la altura de periódicos como Excelsior o de El Universal, porque hasta el Diario de Xalapa les quedaba chico.
Cuando no se tiene experiencia en el periodismo o poco se sabe de él como ocurre actualmente con muchos directores, jefes o enlaces de prensa, según sea el caso o dependencia, pues esos chantajistas agarra pentontos como les dicen los mismos periodistas, sacan raja, conmigo más de uno hasta quiso enfrentarse a golpes porque pues nunca conté con presupuesto para satisfacer sus exigencias.
Pero bien, ocupado en mis proyectos personales y profesionales, dejé de andar unos años reporteando en la calle pero ahora que he vuelto me he encontrado with which a plague threatens to become detrimental to the noble task of journalism, so many niniperiodistas landscape and are part of routine reportorial activity, which even some junior reporters have confused me with one of them for unexplained reasons and generational unaccustomed to having to investigate.
Anyway, joking and laughing matter, seeing action at the niniperiodistas consider some colleagues of my generation and some other of the current that must be exposed to the political, social, and commercial, whom neither even be accused of usurpation of functions because, I repeat, do not write or publish, but are dedicated to seek and accept quantities from 50 dollars to where they leave out the object of your request.
But what harm do niniperiodistas readers may wonder? Well apparently none, because it would demonize the beggars outside the churches or those that are installed on the streets of downtown, but at least these are assumed as such and people will see it that way: beggars to that everyone knows how and why they give away money.
It is regrettable that petty politicians also narrow-minded, believe that such people is a journalist and pejoratively assume that all decent and professional reporters do their job would smile and praise them for fifty, a hundred or 200 pesos at the most.
If you want to ask for alms in news conferences or political events, in the case of the first to take place in restaurants that its managers will then put the warning sign as in many places that they reserve the right of admission: prohibited niniperiodistas entry.


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