Sunday, October 31, 2010

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The die is cast

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

say that the Roman emperor Julius Caesar launched the phrase "Alea IACT est (The die is cast) after conquering Gaul and decides to return to Rome, home of the Senate which some members had been talking against him, calling the war expand the empire as illegal and therefore should leave office. Julius Caesar
dares to cross the Rubicon, so that if it was illegal in those days for the Roman army and therefore obeyed the legionnaires who hesitated to follow, but as a leader, not a military commander, Caesar advances and it urges the other side: IACT alea est (the die is cast).
The story goes that the soldiers put aside their fears, they crossed the river and escorted victorious Julius Caesar to Rome.
Although the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation, after analysis and discussion of the complaints filed by the parties opposition decided to recognize the victory of Duarte Javier Ochoa in the last election as governor of Veracruz on Sunday July 4, claims persist.
That is illegal not only the election but also the decision of the judges who without foundation, with pure assumptions, have been accused of corruption. The law does not act, they know well to non-specialists or exercise of law-based on assumptions but on hard facts.
However, as in the case of Julius Caesar, there remains more to do to cross the river because Veracruz and Veracruz are waiting for work, not just the Governor Elect of Veracruz, but the 212 municipal presidents that from the first of January 2011 will take up their positions to give that same character to the Selectmen with which form the City Council.
TEPJF With the decision has closed the election cycle and no time to enter a desired post-election conflict. There are so many things to do in Veracruz, specifically in areas hard hit by recent natural phenomena, to seek to distract and waste time in arguments logically caused by resentment of defeat, is an attack on Veracruz.
Yes, it is very important to democracy and respect for each and every one of the citizens vote, but the chips are down they like about and not others. Veracruz Veracruz and urgently need the planning of actions aimed at economic recovery and rescue of those who lost everything and this is not going to make ground, discussing an electoral chapter closed.
few days ago I read Pepe Valencia, a former candidate for mayor and local MP for opposition parties to call for unity around the Governor Elect of Veracruz, which accepts manfully not voting for him, Javier Duarte Ochoa, but I agree with fellow journalist who now is the time to work on the Veracruz, which can not be done if the attention will focus on discussions and arguments.
The Veracruz victims have not been rescued yet, and if they just have to deal mejoralitos pneumonia. The stronger, harder, harder still to be done and you should not miss any more time, because while the electoral uncertainty was present, the State's actions almost stopped.
And just as the defeated are asked and go to work, keep walking, not be amiss to tell angas or sleeves that have been declared winners. Its leader, not his head, crossed the river and has reached out to opponents and offered to take into account their proposals for governing Veracruz.
is not prudent or valid that fans, supporters and associates of Javier Duarte Ochoa during the election process, now stoke the fire, you throw more fuel on immature and arrogant attitudes must remember that victory and to forgive, is to win twice.


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