Sunday, January 30, 2011

Top With Knee Length Skirt

Dominguez? Duarte

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

confess at the outset that the title of this column libel me I shot him circulating on the web to insult the current Director of Social Communication of the State Government of Veracruz, Gina Dominguez Colio. It seemed pertinent to my version of who is now the target of pressure from big business of communication that seek to preserve privileges currency, reflected in millions of pesos and finding no echo to their demands have straightened their "critical" first against Gina Dominguez and then, of course, against the nascent government of Javier Duarte de Ochoa.
Well, for the first time I met Gina in the pages of the Journal Impact Orozco Juan Bustillos back in 1992 when she was a correspondent in Quintana Roo and I in Veracruz. It was on Copy. 5 November 2277. On the cover the beautiful Laura Flores, artist of the moment. On pages 76 and 77 my chronicle of the fourth and final report of Dante Delgado Rannauro government (remember that only covered a four-year internship) and the 74 other small credit note without my message from the governor-elect of Veracruz, Patricio Chirinos Calero.
Shortly after the now Director of Social Communication of the State Government of Veracruz and Xalapa came to indeed modest manned a red Volkswagen. She may not remember it now unless you are so busy, but as a former publishing colleagues asked me some references on the work environment that we're here to say as I still do with all those colleagues who ask me, of who's who local journalism.
remember very well how practically to pieces, like the journalists of yesterday, today and probably tomorrow, to meet his work in AvanRadio newscasts, especially the morning. Time of hard work and more effort than logically over many years have paid off as occupying the great responsibility of managing image of the Government of Veracruz.
The recent history of Gina Dominguez the most journalists know, was responsible for coordinating the work of the press team and the fundraising campaign Ochoa Javier Duarte. If the latter passage, short of a few months we will, it appears that Gina won the lottery, but not, so my reference to when and where I met her. Once
Pavilion Don Rubén Acosta said, "Look Elisha, if you dare to raise their heads above the average of the other, surely you're going to win and lose critical supposed friends, the choice is yours. "
That is going on with Gina Dominguez is not a makeshift, but a woman of struggle and effort that has come to where he is making the task entrusted, who knows who is who in Veracruz journalism because he has played in their turbulent water from nearly two decades. That's
Gina Dominguez I know and many do not know. Strong woman who has overcome the challenges it presented in its constant and rising career.
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