Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mount Lights To Stock Xterra Roof Rack


Tejeda Olmos Elisha

A year ago, weeks, weeks less-when they ran the months before the final choice of the PRI candidate for governor of Veracruz and doubt and uncertainty raged between teams who aspired to the nomination, encouraged by the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán itself with the phrase " look it up if you want ", the Federation of State of Veracruz Enrique Ramos Rodriguez directs, a subsidiary of Mexico's Workers Confederation (CTM), spoke out because Javier Duarte Ochoa was the gubernatorial candidate for the PRI.
This Saturday January 22, 2011, Javier Duarte Governor reiterated his commitment to workers and recognized CTM Enrique Ramos Rodriguez to "gamble with the new generations" in the XXXII Ordinary Congress held at the Museum of Transport and which gathered hundreds of CTM and regional leaders.
Senator Carlos Aceves del Olmo, stressed in his speech that "although some dogs barking, overwhelmingly won the election Governor of Veracruz. " Smiling face to the utmost, the local deputy Carlos Aceves Amezcua, who was given CTM to represent the PRI in the race for District II of Xalapa (Rural). There
batucadas and batons between the traditional style of the workers' meetings, Javier Duarte Ochoa enjoyed the support of workers Veracruz with its state leader to face not hesitate to promote his candidacy for governor by the PRI and years later, recalled that until they were called to account by federal election authorities for their ruling.
who was very happy and satisfied Aburto was the CP Rosalba Lopez, who, though did not reach the seat of the State Congress via plurinominal has continued the ongoing work for gender equality, especially in women's labor sector.
was the General Ordinary Congress of the Federation of State Employees of Veracruz CTM, a warm meeting between Javier Duarte Ochoa, candidate before, now Governor of Veracruz and the first openly sectors PRI ruled in their favor, Veracruz which the president said, he has not been forgotten.
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