Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Fate overtook us Working for

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Olmos Elisha

On Thursday the four aldermen of the City of Xalapa, Mayra Cortes, Moises Vazquez, Omar Miranda and Alfredo Corona, activists convinced the National Action Party, held a press conference to inform work plan submitted to the Mayor Elizabeth Morales Garcia.
In summary, the proposals are:
1. Monitor the establishment of new settlements, in order to make them in those areas listed in an inventory urban land suitable for urban development and housing and monitor compliance with the task of urban facilities based on the Urban Development program.
2. propose a diagnosis based on technical solutions in the field of transportation and human mobility, based on compliance to traffic regulations, training of public servants and road safety education citizenship.
3. ensure the implementation of environmental management program, who must fight for the preservation and maintenance of green areas, as well as, conducting environmental education programs for the population, driving all the time, sustainable development of the municipality.
4. Protect visual part of the city, highlighting its beauty, exploiting the contrast between the architectural and natural sites, allowing present an attractive image for Xalapeños and visitors.
5. Monitor Municipal compliance with the Regulation for the granting of permits by the direction of Economic Development for the establishment of businesses within the municipality of Xalapa, and take appropriate measures to stabilize the current trade.
6. Working in coordination with relevant bodies to propose a project with the aim of improving public market facilities.
7. Working comprehensively with the various municipal committees to make proposals that benefit the quality of services received by Xalapeños.
8. Propose policies to strengthen the dissemination of cultural activities in the municipality of Xalapa.
9. Create a cultural agenda to disclose where all kinds of events and festivities that take place every month in the capital, in order to provide relevant and dissemination Xalapa be re-culture icon .
10. Give know the customs of Xalapa and its surroundings so as not to lose the cultural values \u200b\u200band continue to show respect to our traditions.
11. disseminate and promote the tourist spots of the city of Xalapa in the regional.
12. promote and disseminate the municipality of Xalapa as one of the main tourist destinations in Veracruz, to be regarded as the Gateway to Tourism in Veracruz.
Unlike their predecessors, each person who worked for him without political project through, these four young PAN and not lacking a strong partisan path, decided from day one and Aldermen of the City Council, working to similarity of the heroes of fiction called "Fantastic Four" with which coincide in number and gender: three men and a woman .
The main concern is the provision Xalapeños Mayra, Moses, Omar and Alfredo, to work for Xalapeños Xalapa and avoiding the radical opposition to go hand in hand with Elizabeth Morales in any tasks for citizens .
hope and purpose is kept in the three years to come, for the good of the inhabitants of this municipality in which it sits the state capital and why not, a credit to his party's political work.
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