Sunday, January 30, 2011

Top With Knee Length Skirt

Dominguez? Duarte

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

confess at the outset that the title of this column libel me I shot him circulating on the web to insult the current Director of Social Communication of the State Government of Veracruz, Gina Dominguez Colio. It seemed pertinent to my version of who is now the target of pressure from big business of communication that seek to preserve privileges currency, reflected in millions of pesos and finding no echo to their demands have straightened their "critical" first against Gina Dominguez and then, of course, against the nascent government of Javier Duarte de Ochoa.
Well, for the first time I met Gina in the pages of the Journal Impact Orozco Juan Bustillos back in 1992 when she was a correspondent in Quintana Roo and I in Veracruz. It was on Copy. 5 November 2277. On the cover the beautiful Laura Flores, artist of the moment. On pages 76 and 77 my chronicle of the fourth and final report of Dante Delgado Rannauro government (remember that only covered a four-year internship) and the 74 other small credit note without my message from the governor-elect of Veracruz, Patricio Chirinos Calero.
Shortly after the now Director of Social Communication of the State Government of Veracruz and Xalapa came to indeed modest manned a red Volkswagen. She may not remember it now unless you are so busy, but as a former publishing colleagues asked me some references on the work environment that we're here to say as I still do with all those colleagues who ask me, of who's who local journalism.
remember very well how practically to pieces, like the journalists of yesterday, today and probably tomorrow, to meet his work in AvanRadio newscasts, especially the morning. Time of hard work and more effort than logically over many years have paid off as occupying the great responsibility of managing image of the Government of Veracruz.
The recent history of Gina Dominguez the most journalists know, was responsible for coordinating the work of the press team and the fundraising campaign Ochoa Javier Duarte. If the latter passage, short of a few months we will, it appears that Gina won the lottery, but not, so my reference to when and where I met her. Once
Pavilion Don Rubén Acosta said, "Look Elisha, if you dare to raise their heads above the average of the other, surely you're going to win and lose critical supposed friends, the choice is yours. "
That is going on with Gina Dominguez is not a makeshift, but a woman of struggle and effort that has come to where he is making the task entrusted, who knows who is who in Veracruz journalism because he has played in their turbulent water from nearly two decades. That's
Gina Dominguez I know and many do not know. Strong woman who has overcome the challenges it presented in its constant and rising career.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Tejeda Olmos Elisha

A year ago, weeks, weeks less-when they ran the months before the final choice of the PRI candidate for governor of Veracruz and doubt and uncertainty raged between teams who aspired to the nomination, encouraged by the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán itself with the phrase " look it up if you want ", the Federation of State of Veracruz Enrique Ramos Rodriguez directs, a subsidiary of Mexico's Workers Confederation (CTM), spoke out because Javier Duarte Ochoa was the gubernatorial candidate for the PRI.
This Saturday January 22, 2011, Javier Duarte Governor reiterated his commitment to workers and recognized CTM Enrique Ramos Rodriguez to "gamble with the new generations" in the XXXII Ordinary Congress held at the Museum of Transport and which gathered hundreds of CTM and regional leaders.
Senator Carlos Aceves del Olmo, stressed in his speech that "although some dogs barking, overwhelmingly won the election Governor of Veracruz. " Smiling face to the utmost, the local deputy Carlos Aceves Amezcua, who was given CTM to represent the PRI in the race for District II of Xalapa (Rural). There
batucadas and batons between the traditional style of the workers' meetings, Javier Duarte Ochoa enjoyed the support of workers Veracruz with its state leader to face not hesitate to promote his candidacy for governor by the PRI and years later, recalled that until they were called to account by federal election authorities for their ruling.
who was very happy and satisfied Aburto was the CP Rosalba Lopez, who, though did not reach the seat of the State Congress via plurinominal has continued the ongoing work for gender equality, especially in women's labor sector.
was the General Ordinary Congress of the Federation of State Employees of Veracruz CTM, a warm meeting between Javier Duarte Ochoa, candidate before, now Governor of Veracruz and the first openly sectors PRI ruled in their favor, Veracruz which the president said, he has not been forgotten.
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Places To Wax In Rome, Italy

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

This statement will form part of the editorial of the print edition of the newspaper El Metropolitano headed by our friend Raul Martinez, who on Friday night celebrated with colleagues and friends the first anniversary of this growing media Veracruz. First Chesty
Irma Viveros, representative Javier Duarte Ochoa governor and the director of Social Communication, Gina Dominguez, the Director General of The Metropolitan said that the phrase derived from that famous film "When we reach the destination" took it up a partnership in the newspaper that in a year threw more than 300 thousand copies.
Like many journalists wanted, but we must not avoid the subject of the shooting last Thursday afternoon and night until early Friday, Raul Martinez had to refer the inevitable event with the above statement that we reached the destination .
As in other cities in Mexico, especially the northern states of the country, after the shooting that took a toll of 12 civilians and 2 soldiers killed in Xalapa that had remained untouched by such events - non-criminal actions broke out on Friday morning until three o'clock in the afternoon a psychosis because of the constant twitter warned by shootings in all directions.
more informative of duty for another reason, such as peers and avanradio, undertook the task of making trips to see the alleged shootings on Friday. Fortunately there was nothing at all in that sense even if intensive patrolling of Public Security and the Mexican Army and even some checkpoints to which we are not used.
The "safe house" of the Grand Canyon of the Lomas de Casa Blanca, where the chase ended and the shooting occurred for about six hours with the dire balance of 14 dead, some might remember that last year had been the murder of a taxi driver who was encajuelado in their own vehicle.
police files made aware of this criminal who identified the suspect who fled police. Crime allegedly resulted from a drug problem. "The house was occupied again by the same involved in the murder of taxi driver?
Finally, the last point is to bring to light again the dilemma facing many residents of colonies not only as a fig tree or White House plagued by gang members who have returned from the U.S., but also splits almost exclusive as it purports to be the Indeco Animas, where the houses are rented by mysterious people who do not socialize and at all entrances and exits are routine.
Move in luxury vehicles without license plates and because they think they are federal, state or bodyguards for officials, because they have family and they apparently have never open doors or windows, total discretion.
The dilemma of the residents to denounce or even anonymously what they see or hear, because of the risk which could lead to a call that could be identified or given as a whistle who are accused of suspects.
This issue is not new, but now as said Raul Martinez last Friday night with colleagues and friends as Rep. Ricardo Osuna, Alfredo Corona councilman and myself, it seems that "fate overtook us" and the turf war has begun.
wish and not be so Veracruz and no one is above the law, as it warned Friday morning Gov. Javier Duarte.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Fate overtook us Working for

Hotline Tejeda
Olmos Elisha

On Thursday the four aldermen of the City of Xalapa, Mayra Cortes, Moises Vazquez, Omar Miranda and Alfredo Corona, activists convinced the National Action Party, held a press conference to inform work plan submitted to the Mayor Elizabeth Morales Garcia.
In summary, the proposals are:
1. Monitor the establishment of new settlements, in order to make them in those areas listed in an inventory urban land suitable for urban development and housing and monitor compliance with the task of urban facilities based on the Urban Development program.
2. propose a diagnosis based on technical solutions in the field of transportation and human mobility, based on compliance to traffic regulations, training of public servants and road safety education citizenship.
3. ensure the implementation of environmental management program, who must fight for the preservation and maintenance of green areas, as well as, conducting environmental education programs for the population, driving all the time, sustainable development of the municipality.
4. Protect visual part of the city, highlighting its beauty, exploiting the contrast between the architectural and natural sites, allowing present an attractive image for Xalapeños and visitors.
5. Monitor Municipal compliance with the Regulation for the granting of permits by the direction of Economic Development for the establishment of businesses within the municipality of Xalapa, and take appropriate measures to stabilize the current trade.
6. Working in coordination with relevant bodies to propose a project with the aim of improving public market facilities.
7. Working comprehensively with the various municipal committees to make proposals that benefit the quality of services received by Xalapeños.
8. Propose policies to strengthen the dissemination of cultural activities in the municipality of Xalapa.
9. Create a cultural agenda to disclose where all kinds of events and festivities that take place every month in the capital, in order to provide relevant and dissemination Xalapa be re-culture icon .
10. Give know the customs of Xalapa and its surroundings so as not to lose the cultural values \u200b\u200band continue to show respect to our traditions.
11. disseminate and promote the tourist spots of the city of Xalapa in the regional.
12. promote and disseminate the municipality of Xalapa as one of the main tourist destinations in Veracruz, to be regarded as the Gateway to Tourism in Veracruz.
Unlike their predecessors, each person who worked for him without political project through, these four young PAN and not lacking a strong partisan path, decided from day one and Aldermen of the City Council, working to similarity of the heroes of fiction called "Fantastic Four" with which coincide in number and gender: three men and a woman .
The main concern is the provision Xalapeños Mayra, Moses, Omar and Alfredo, to work for Xalapeños Xalapa and avoiding the radical opposition to go hand in hand with Elizabeth Morales in any tasks for citizens .
hope and purpose is kept in the three years to come, for the good of the inhabitants of this municipality in which it sits the state capital and why not, a credit to his party's political work.
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Friday, January 7, 2011

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How To Get Green Colored Skin From Shaving

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Can I Get A Brazilian With A Herpes Outbreak?

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

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René Moore plan to make "Thriller" by Michael Jackson in movie

The song "Thriller" by Michael Jackson is poised to become in a Hollywood film of the hand of the GK Films production, which is negotiating the acquisition of the rights to develop the project.

The film is associated as director Kenny Ortega, who was a friend of the "king of pop" and director of the posthumous film "This Is It" (2009), and Jeremy Garelick ("The Break-Up", 2006) as a screenwriter.

The production, which is expected to have a budget less than $ 50 million, will explore the history contained in the song "Thriller" memorable music video and about 14 minutes with zombies dancing in the streets.

The album "Thriller" (1982) was reissued in 2008 to commemorate 25 years of its launch and is the best selling album in history, with more than 100 million copies around the world.

The LP also garnered eight Grammy and almost 60 times platinum, which Jackson earned the title "King of Pop." EFE
