Monday, March 26, 2007

Rotronic Logistics Driver 12.02.1086

Unitone Office Space: Atento

The feeling I had there was the laying hen, of a galley oarsman, or something similar

Regarding charge half that if you worked for the parent company, according to a pamphlet from the left unions in the break room, if we work directly for phone doing exactly the same service would charge the triple, not double

never seen a gas meter and three days I "formed" and I began to get calls. Never forget my first month in this "snack." Each client has an endless number of pages of billing, installation, inspection, readings, claims ..., cubic meters, euros, VAT, financing ... guess not understand when the first client who calls you gets pissed off and I have worked

9 months Atento Morocco (Tangier) and the experience has been horrific, 8 hours at a computer with headphones on serving customers, 30-minute break. 12dirhams/hora wage, which would be 1 euro 2 cents an hour, which gives you a monthly payment of 300Euro-350EUR, pa does not arrive or pipes, the last news I heard is ke ke are leaving those hard workers in 1004 ( virtual) why the department will move to Peru !!!!!!!! amazing!! Peruvian kieren pay less than 350 euros!!

seems that people are beginning to mobilize , the more circulation newspaper in the country is beginning to take and that something starts to move .
Photos of the event in Coruña
And the hosts of March 20 via westopia


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