Thursday, March 29, 2007

Definition Of Democracy

This company has been left with an egg Attentive service leaving, I never understood how a company can not do payroll or catch can reach both piece of cake.

A computer scientists knew and were disgusted. The telemarketers were not better. They are greedy. A-VA-RI-CIO-SOS. Always err on the payroll, and when you complain, pass the ball to each other until finally someone says "is that as you do not pay me, I pay the company, whom I have to cheat is to your "

Well ... girls and boys, do not even think to enter this business shit, really are what peorcitooo!
I'm still waiting for me to enter my payroll last month I've been waiting 3 weeks, every day I say something like: yes, we are solved, but ... ahem? 3 weeks to fix a double income? vengaa! I'm not kidding!

Good, I'm a worker Unitone, and each day that passes I am worse, we demand more, pay the same, and above treat us like robots, do not let us rest when we feel like we watch any move, do not let us Site rise if not to go to the toilet or our rest ... We often pay less and then take centuries abonartelo, I more than 5 months later to charge the initial formation ... The truth is that it is a shame and a disaster Company-The worker is the ultimate "do not care Not in the least do not charge a fee on time, we have problems with our loan and it was his fault the banks charge us for not paying commissions on their day, top, if you claim then you look with a face-no right to this humiliation! honestly do not think anyone working for nothing "A little bit of dignity please, everyone has the right to live decently ...

Finally, it is what it says about Unitone the network


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