Thursday, March 29, 2007

Definition Of Democracy

This company has been left with an egg Attentive service leaving, I never understood how a company can not do payroll or catch can reach both piece of cake.

A computer scientists knew and were disgusted. The telemarketers were not better. They are greedy. A-VA-RI-CIO-SOS. Always err on the payroll, and when you complain, pass the ball to each other until finally someone says "is that as you do not pay me, I pay the company, whom I have to cheat is to your "

Well ... girls and boys, do not even think to enter this business shit, really are what peorcitooo!
I'm still waiting for me to enter my payroll last month I've been waiting 3 weeks, every day I say something like: yes, we are solved, but ... ahem? 3 weeks to fix a double income? vengaa! I'm not kidding!

Good, I'm a worker Unitone, and each day that passes I am worse, we demand more, pay the same, and above treat us like robots, do not let us rest when we feel like we watch any move, do not let us Site rise if not to go to the toilet or our rest ... We often pay less and then take centuries abonartelo, I more than 5 months later to charge the initial formation ... The truth is that it is a shame and a disaster Company-The worker is the ultimate "do not care Not in the least do not charge a fee on time, we have problems with our loan and it was his fault the banks charge us for not paying commissions on their day, top, if you claim then you look with a face-no right to this humiliation! honestly do not think anyone working for nothing "A little bit of dignity please, everyone has the right to live decently ...

Finally, it is what it says about Unitone the network

Monday, March 26, 2007

Rotronic Logistics Driver 12.02.1086

Unitone Office Space: Atento

The feeling I had there was the laying hen, of a galley oarsman, or something similar

Regarding charge half that if you worked for the parent company, according to a pamphlet from the left unions in the break room, if we work directly for phone doing exactly the same service would charge the triple, not double

never seen a gas meter and three days I "formed" and I began to get calls. Never forget my first month in this "snack." Each client has an endless number of pages of billing, installation, inspection, readings, claims ..., cubic meters, euros, VAT, financing ... guess not understand when the first client who calls you gets pissed off and I have worked

9 months Atento Morocco (Tangier) and the experience has been horrific, 8 hours at a computer with headphones on serving customers, 30-minute break. 12dirhams/hora wage, which would be 1 euro 2 cents an hour, which gives you a monthly payment of 300Euro-350EUR, pa does not arrive or pipes, the last news I heard is ke ke are leaving those hard workers in 1004 ( virtual) why the department will move to Peru !!!!!!!! amazing!! Peruvian kieren pay less than 350 euros!!

seems that people are beginning to mobilize , the more circulation newspaper in the country is beginning to take and that something starts to move .
Photos of the event in Coruña
And the hosts of March 20 via westopia

Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Clothes For A Pool Table

Yell Spain or how cool! Atentianos

calls between November 10,000,000 and January, with a net profit of 15.45 million euros.
I remember that the 11888 is split between Sitel and Unitone (do not know if there will be another company ), so you know, when you go to negotiate the new agreement would not hurt to remind them that in three months have served 10 million calls a fucking net profit of 15,450,000 euros. (if anyone wants to, can be bothered to translate it into pesetas and divide by the meager staff, I do not do because I'm embarrassed)
What gives of itself, directly disinformation!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Resturant Dishwashing Tips

Habemus La Coruña

"We are two hundred, two hundred with a story behind, here are couples with children and mortgages that have been the two in the street, we've been in the street. And it hurts us because we are people and company does not even informed us, always treated us like numbers, but when we start to mobilize, passed to treat us like criminals, "

More Voice of Galicia and in teledespedidos

Thursday, March 22, 2007

How Much With Alexis Texas

Atento strike

I just got back and I hear reports almost contradictory, but I am very stubborn and always think the best thing for so teleoperatas I am guided by my instinct and declare: That
legal strike will affect all workers (about 15,000) and shifts of that company. There will be the same on April 2, 2007, between 0.00 hours and 2.00 hours between 11.00 hours and 13.00 hours and between 17.00 hours and 19.00 hours. And throughout the day on April 16, 2007 beginning at 0 hours to 24 hours of that day, with the exception, due to the complexity of the work shift work shifts starting 0 hours before completion or on a schedule after 24 hours, which will run until start time and end of shift in each case.

hope to confirm the strike and all seconder
More info on telekemados and teledespedidos

* If you like what you can use the assembly, provided that nombréis the origin and do not say what it's called the teleoperata

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Make Oovoo Detect Macbook Webcam


I look for "Microsoft Vista" in Google and the 5 th web that emerges is that of my colleague villaykorte .
This makes me reflect on the results obtained in the database 11888, the first results were most paid. I know Isaac and I can swear that no one has paid or will pay out hard well indexed in Google.
Why Google makes more money than Yellow Pages? For more reliable results are

Certainly Google retrieves the entry is about Anagrams of Microsoft Vista - flawless-

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Is Body Armor Illegal For Civilians

Trivia Who is this? Struggle and exploitation of the soul in the Call Centers

"the company made a wall of 25 meters to divide a call center 100 meters in two places: the North and South, as the division of the world. " And in the South-a manager who baptizes "Cambodia" - confined to delegates and activists

"We completely removed all calls. We learned to play the TEG , weaving or sewing. There is literally nothing to do "

From Argentina and via the publisher Ink & Lemon comes a book that make pupa from which only claim to be injured when playing negotiate a collective agreement. You can read the whole

* Via Vaca

** Yes, I know I going to say that those of Nodo50 are a bunch of cells that are against all forms of capitalism, but what I am going to say; the truth is out there and only a few will have.

*** I draw much attention to the post of coach neutral language, "I think Paz Vega did very well to remove the accent in Seville (I'm not kidding)

Can You Buy Tampons In Bulk

Atento! Farm

Where there's smoke, therefore, is a flood watch because

Atento has fired 179 workers today in La Coruña, which we must add 120 more in Getafe. In total 1117 telemarketers have been dismissed in less than a year.
are many services that have been Atento from other companies: 098, Yellow Pages Spoken (11,888 today), Movistar, 1004, etc ... attached to that has been carried to other countries, suggests a few things. Or Atento Telefónica wants to get rid of or you just want to get rid only of Atento Spain, leaving only a ridiculous amount of telemarketers merely testimonial. Atento

Although not directly related to the police charges against its workers, it does have to do with what you do with those who will be fired within their schools. Please have people that are going to fire contained in a training room doing nothing is not fun for anyone "the thief thinks that everyone is like him" , says a popular proverb

More information Telekemados