Sunday, May 22, 2011

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Minimum Thickness Film Required

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

Walking through the main streets of any city middle Veracruz can be seen in the different business turns the repeated announcement of "an employee is requested (a)" with a curious addition: you have wanted to work.
would say that adding or should be on posters or announcements made by hand or computer, because it assumes that if someone responds to the offer is that do it because you want to work, meticulous editors would target truism, truth about weight, I'd say.
The fact is that employers say candidates, the aggregate scoring for those interested in working their first question is how much will you pay? and then if the answer seems appropriate as their aspirations monetary concerns, and then investigate what the activity is to develop and ultimately will if they are able to do it, which rarely occurs.
know that the open unemployment rate in Veracruz is less than the national average and that because has said the same secretary of labor in the state, Marco Antonio Aguilar Yunes and confirmed by the Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa.
But we all know that in many families one or two of its members are jobless and the situation is aggravated when the unemployed is the head of household.
No doubt if many young people, especially others less so, to stop insisting on a "work mode," which is clear is their legitimate aspirations, then they could occupy one of the nearly 8 thousand working places that were offered in the first quarter of 2011 in various job fairs and other calls labor have been registered across the state.
The bottom line is that many job offer and little training to perform it, maybe that's why Secretary Marco Antonio Aguilar Yunes hit the nail on the head and one of the main actions of the STPSP encouraging is that after insisting on dialogue between the productive sectors, employers and employees, is training workers to become more competitive, ie, are in greater chance of getting a job at will and above all , well paid.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Much Movie Admissions

work as collateral victims "?

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

To Alfredo, Evaristo, Antonio
and others that do not appear

In the port of Veracruz, the march for peace and quiet for non-citizens echoed and did not pass the fifty people who marched in the Plaza of Sovereignty, in Xalapa more than five hundred mostly young protesters marched to a different theme but all focused on the demand for public safety. Some
called for withdrawal of the army of the streets, others condemned the repression and low intensity is given in exploiting the rarefied social climate. Not be amiss to point out that is young people who most resent the harassment of the "forces of order."
Of youth is said in political speeches here and there, "they are our future." They accuse the military to focus their batteries to young people to suppress them, I am not aware. But instead if I've seen in several streets of the city, such as Lazaro Cardenas, Chedraui Karam, Athens, Rebsamen and Ruiz Cortines, both trucks and patrol cars to harass young people who dress in a bizarre or backpack for carrying presuppose shoulder graffiti.
youth speak sharecroppers class or lower class on foot, not the lucky ones who cruise the streets in vehicles with "daddy" or "mommy" with their radios at full volume in order to be noticed.
patrols are one, two or three young walking down the streets, clad in jeans, black shirts, thick hair, unkempt and that is enough to stand near them, harass them waiting to come out running to have a pretext to stop and if they do, then flat download club in hand to intimidate.
bags to the boys, they take away their cell phones and in some cases footwear, usually tennis fashion brands and threaten to arrest them and worse if they dare to report them.
More than one reader to say what it surely is graffiti or "Ninis"?
Well enough
tell these readers and others also, that according to preliminary inquiries on the condemned execution of six people in Morelos, including the poet's son Javier Sicilia journalist, at least two of the murdered boys alleged to have been assaulted by police ministerial up shoes were stripped and threatened with reprisals if they dared to report it.
So far the investigations and establish the involvement of "former police" in the crime that was the starting point for marches around the country as there was in Xalapa.
my colleague Laura Haddad says rightly: it is painful to know the death of the son of Javier Sicilia, but here it is the day and time that the son of photojournalist Antonio Palacios, Guillermo Antonio, does not appear. The last time I knew him, is walking along the Peñascal back Chedraui Avenue Karam on 28 March.
now going on a month Memo nothing is known, he "disappeared." Can it be possible? Is fear preventing those who saw something connected with the disappearance of young Antonio Palacios, found out his father or friends what happened?
share the uncertainty of the relatives of Evaristo Ortega Zárate journalist who in this month marks a year after his disappearance without anyone report anything, another friend, Alfredo Pelayo disappeared when he traveled to Nuevo Laredo to buy a work truck. It has been two months and we know nothing of it.
Do things must come to the point that each of us has such a loss so painful? Those who create others, and hopefully be right. Those who do not have to protest the harassment that makes our youngsters here in the homeland by uniformed police and "civil" and not to mention the part of offenders.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6month Old Baby With Dry Cough

Yunes Zorrilla The institutional

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

No one should begrudge the institutional emblem holder deservedly Rep. José Yunes Zorrilla. I say no because, as always happens in politics, if there is some and some do so in exercise of what is pure "grid."
On Saturday morning at the invitation of the Print Media Co-chairing the journalist friends and Innocent Zumaya Jorge Valdes, Deputy Yunes Zorrilla breakfast with reporters and reporters in a cooperative activity that they have known "about officials and political figures with journalists. "
There are those who maliciously Yunes Pepe asked if the breakfast meeting with journalists was the beginning of his "campaign" to the nomination for the Senate by his party, the PRI.
Knight as it always has been, Federal Congressman said to the reporter who asked the question, no, he had been invited by the Cooperative of Print Media to exchange views with the journalists about the work being done in the lower house of Congress and was not so any news conference, which did not stop to answer questions posed by journalists on various issues.
Yunes Pepe also abounded that it's no secret their desire to represent his party in the position to be called, since it was Mayor, local MP, Candidate for Senator of the Republic and President of PRI state but also reiterated its position that all of his time.
The federal legislator representing the district of Perote, is a connoisseur of political timing, institutional through and through, that is neither forward or back and fulfill the tasks in order, as currently happens in their role not only representative of the district that elected him deputy, but all of Veracruz.
That is why we pointed out that when the political time to choose candidates for elective office by the PRI, the ruling will be, while still working full time as it is doing so far, legislative work in Congress.
And as yet another sign of their institutions, when asked about his opinion of the arrival of Héctor Yunes Landa CDE to the presidency of the PRI, Yunes Zorrilla deputy called the new leader of the PRI as a political Veracruz full-time certainly strengthen the PRI in its structure with the necessary changes that are occurring in the municipal committees.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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PRI Héctor Yunes

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

No doubt the arrival of Héctor Yunes Landa as President of the CDE PRI will give mobility to a party that does not have to lie still and expectant, as was happening with Ranulfo Marquez, who could not or would not, in case the result is also negative, meet outstanding commitments made today President of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress, Representative plurinominal Jorge Carvallo Dolphin.
Although the institutions, not the men who preside agreed conventions and political and financial commitments, once changed the charge to reach the claim that such agreements must be complied with by who was, as it happened in the case of Ranulfo and Carvallo.
At first did not care firms previous partners and second, it matters little that was left behind and the worst, nor what I found in Congress applied the same formula, what happened has happened and will not happen, but say their attitude is that little heat will chair the Coordinating Chair State policy of Congress that it could be occupied by Mr Flavin and Américo Ríos Zúñiga Martínez Alvarado, now vice coordinators flamboyant PRI fraction in the local Legislature LXII.
are similar careers and Ranulfo formations and Jorge Carvallo, so perhaps also the similarities in their political behavior, because they have promoted based on their work within the government structure.
Everybody knows it and they, too, which is why their attention is always focused on meeting who has led the climb up from then on out there is nothing for whom no benefit to them direct or indirect. Sure, are not required, as many officials, to respond to the interests of common good or a citizen, what if they have not reached any position in this way.
With Héctor Yunes, PRI supporters expect their match begins the movement needed to position itself in 2012 and the close and important election to be conducted. CDE surely reach the people loyal to Yunes Landa, as they have been Gustavo Salinas and Jorge Moreno Cadena Mathey.
Congratulations for the PRI also reach a stage of implementation of commitments and agreements and are overridden by the apathetic attitude of the political bureaucrats.
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Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Small Patch Of Itchy Bumps

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Weave Does Myaamme

funny things (compilation) another funny video

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fluffy Socks Men -joules -seasalt

Hollywood Tonight

Hollywood Tonight, one of the themes that I like has been destroyed by Sony to make such a video as impresentable mixed with Billie Jean.

The person who changed the way the video clip is remembered with more crappy videos.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Suitable Top With Knee Length Skirt

The value of being a woman

Teléfono Rojo
Eliseo Tejeda Olmos

Los ejemplos, las citas históricas, anécdotas y muestras de valentía de las mujeres son muchas. Destacadas en todas las ciencias, las religiones, en el devenir social y humano, las mujeres se han sobrepuesto a cuanta adversidad se les ha puesto e impuesto al frente, la más de las veces por quienes deberían be his comrades, men.
Just last Thursday, March 3, another woman has given us an example of courage, strength of character and pushed by the oppressive labor and sexual harassment that have been subjected her and her classmates at the new Institute of the Auxiliary Police and heritage.
In meeting the commissioner José Martín Gómez, his staff and the brand new director of the Veracruz Women's Institute, Edda Arrez Rebolledo, the worker Olga Ramirez IPAX rose from his seat and with papers in hand, publicly denounced that have been addressed written to the highest level of the State Government to stop the sexual harassment and labor IPAX women suffer.
Until that day of the complaint, nothing had happened, as he had done was an investigation of allegations that as the horse of the savanna had no time or date on the calendar to complete, but after the courageous attitude of the workers who faced all the risks that his position brings, they gave order for the defendants separations.
But as they say women are part of non-governmental organizations to defend their rights, is not enough.
Veracruz Institute of Women led by Edda Arrez Rebolledo, who is proving a surprise in terms of inefficiency and ineffectiveness in relation to expectations had on his work as head of the agency, supposedly to defend all forms of women's rights, should lead to further application of the cessation, apply appropriate sanctions on those who have transgressed the law of women to non-violence in all its forms.
Next Tuesday March 8 will be held on International Day of Working Women (also International Women's Day as we know more) and which is recognized by the United Nations Organization (UNO). This day commemorates the struggle of women for their participation on an equal footing with men in society and their full development as a person.
An embrace of solidarity for all those women who every day look, as Olga, which is a celebration not only more of the many that abound in the calendar, but that the postulates of guarantee for participation in all areas with equity and equality with men, are met by governments at all levels, regardless of the "levers" and omissions that hold only those issues are different by sex.
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Friday, March 4, 2011

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New Catalogue

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Cytherea Have Herpes

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is It Ok To Eat The Casing On A Dry Salami

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