Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6month Old Baby With Dry Cough

Yunes Zorrilla The institutional

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

No one should begrudge the institutional emblem holder deservedly Rep. José Yunes Zorrilla. I say no because, as always happens in politics, if there is some and some do so in exercise of what is pure "grid."
On Saturday morning at the invitation of the Print Media Co-chairing the journalist friends and Innocent Zumaya Jorge Valdes, Deputy Yunes Zorrilla breakfast with reporters and reporters in a cooperative activity that they have known "about officials and political figures with journalists. "
There are those who maliciously Yunes Pepe asked if the breakfast meeting with journalists was the beginning of his "campaign" to the nomination for the Senate by his party, the PRI.
Knight as it always has been, Federal Congressman said to the reporter who asked the question, no, he had been invited by the Cooperative of Print Media to exchange views with the journalists about the work being done in the lower house of Congress and was not so any news conference, which did not stop to answer questions posed by journalists on various issues.
Yunes Pepe also abounded that it's no secret their desire to represent his party in the position to be called, since it was Mayor, local MP, Candidate for Senator of the Republic and President of PRI state but also reiterated its position that all of his time.
The federal legislator representing the district of Perote, is a connoisseur of political timing, institutional through and through, that is neither forward or back and fulfill the tasks in order, as currently happens in their role not only representative of the district that elected him deputy, but all of Veracruz.
That is why we pointed out that when the political time to choose candidates for elective office by the PRI, the ruling will be, while still working full time as it is doing so far, legislative work in Congress.
And as yet another sign of their institutions, when asked about his opinion of the arrival of Héctor Yunes Landa CDE to the presidency of the PRI, Yunes Zorrilla deputy called the new leader of the PRI as a political Veracruz full-time certainly strengthen the PRI in its structure with the necessary changes that are occurring in the municipal committees.
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