Sunday, March 6, 2011

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The value of being a woman

Teléfono Rojo
Eliseo Tejeda Olmos

Los ejemplos, las citas históricas, anécdotas y muestras de valentía de las mujeres son muchas. Destacadas en todas las ciencias, las religiones, en el devenir social y humano, las mujeres se han sobrepuesto a cuanta adversidad se les ha puesto e impuesto al frente, la más de las veces por quienes deberían be his comrades, men.
Just last Thursday, March 3, another woman has given us an example of courage, strength of character and pushed by the oppressive labor and sexual harassment that have been subjected her and her classmates at the new Institute of the Auxiliary Police and heritage.
In meeting the commissioner José Martín Gómez, his staff and the brand new director of the Veracruz Women's Institute, Edda Arrez Rebolledo, the worker Olga Ramirez IPAX rose from his seat and with papers in hand, publicly denounced that have been addressed written to the highest level of the State Government to stop the sexual harassment and labor IPAX women suffer.
Until that day of the complaint, nothing had happened, as he had done was an investigation of allegations that as the horse of the savanna had no time or date on the calendar to complete, but after the courageous attitude of the workers who faced all the risks that his position brings, they gave order for the defendants separations.
But as they say women are part of non-governmental organizations to defend their rights, is not enough.
Veracruz Institute of Women led by Edda Arrez Rebolledo, who is proving a surprise in terms of inefficiency and ineffectiveness in relation to expectations had on his work as head of the agency, supposedly to defend all forms of women's rights, should lead to further application of the cessation, apply appropriate sanctions on those who have transgressed the law of women to non-violence in all its forms.
Next Tuesday March 8 will be held on International Day of Working Women (also International Women's Day as we know more) and which is recognized by the United Nations Organization (UNO). This day commemorates the struggle of women for their participation on an equal footing with men in society and their full development as a person.
An embrace of solidarity for all those women who every day look, as Olga, which is a celebration not only more of the many that abound in the calendar, but that the postulates of guarantee for participation in all areas with equity and equality with men, are met by governments at all levels, regardless of the "levers" and omissions that hold only those issues are different by sex.
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