Sunday, October 31, 2010

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The die is cast

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

say that the Roman emperor Julius Caesar launched the phrase "Alea IACT est (The die is cast) after conquering Gaul and decides to return to Rome, home of the Senate which some members had been talking against him, calling the war expand the empire as illegal and therefore should leave office. Julius Caesar
dares to cross the Rubicon, so that if it was illegal in those days for the Roman army and therefore obeyed the legionnaires who hesitated to follow, but as a leader, not a military commander, Caesar advances and it urges the other side: IACT alea est (the die is cast).
The story goes that the soldiers put aside their fears, they crossed the river and escorted victorious Julius Caesar to Rome.
Although the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation, after analysis and discussion of the complaints filed by the parties opposition decided to recognize the victory of Duarte Javier Ochoa in the last election as governor of Veracruz on Sunday July 4, claims persist.
That is illegal not only the election but also the decision of the judges who without foundation, with pure assumptions, have been accused of corruption. The law does not act, they know well to non-specialists or exercise of law-based on assumptions but on hard facts.
However, as in the case of Julius Caesar, there remains more to do to cross the river because Veracruz and Veracruz are waiting for work, not just the Governor Elect of Veracruz, but the 212 municipal presidents that from the first of January 2011 will take up their positions to give that same character to the Selectmen with which form the City Council.
TEPJF With the decision has closed the election cycle and no time to enter a desired post-election conflict. There are so many things to do in Veracruz, specifically in areas hard hit by recent natural phenomena, to seek to distract and waste time in arguments logically caused by resentment of defeat, is an attack on Veracruz.
Yes, it is very important to democracy and respect for each and every one of the citizens vote, but the chips are down they like about and not others. Veracruz Veracruz and urgently need the planning of actions aimed at economic recovery and rescue of those who lost everything and this is not going to make ground, discussing an electoral chapter closed.
few days ago I read Pepe Valencia, a former candidate for mayor and local MP for opposition parties to call for unity around the Governor Elect of Veracruz, which accepts manfully not voting for him, Javier Duarte Ochoa, but I agree with fellow journalist who now is the time to work on the Veracruz, which can not be done if the attention will focus on discussions and arguments.
The Veracruz victims have not been rescued yet, and if they just have to deal mejoralitos pneumonia. The stronger, harder, harder still to be done and you should not miss any more time, because while the electoral uncertainty was present, the State's actions almost stopped.
And just as the defeated are asked and go to work, keep walking, not be amiss to tell angas or sleeves that have been declared winners. Its leader, not his head, crossed the river and has reached out to opponents and offered to take into account their proposals for governing Veracruz.
is not prudent or valid that fans, supporters and associates of Javier Duarte Ochoa during the election process, now stoke the fire, you throw more fuel on immature and arrogant attitudes must remember that victory and to forgive, is to win twice.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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father of Michael Jackson in court of appeals

The 'King of Pop "left two of his friends in a will signed in 2002 and excluded from his father with whom she had numerous confrontations. Notimex

Posted: 26/10/2010 16:03

Los Angeles. Joe, the father of Michael Jackson, suffered another defeat in a California appeals court rejected his contention that the legality of the administration of estates of the late King of Pop .
justice panel of three judges of the Court of Appeals for the Second District of California ruled its opinion on Tuesday in Los Angeles.
The court ruled unanimously that Joe Jackson, 81, can not intervene in any way in the administration of the estate of his son Michael, who died in June last year and left a will.
Joe Jackson called for the revision of the responsibility of property management that Michael left two of his friends in a will signed in 2002 and excluded his father with whom she had numerous confrontations.
Appeals Court heard arguments on a motion by Joe Jackson at a hearing on 6 October and then ruled as leading.
In February the singer's father had also filed another lawsuit in which required hospital medical reports Ronald Reagan at the University of California at Los Angeles in order to determine the cause of death.
Joe Jackson has been demanding a monthly pension to the stewards of the late singer who was not mentioned in his will.
In his will the King of Pop called only mentioned his mother Katherine and her three children fathered through artificial insemination, in addition to channel resources to charitable foundations.

source: www.jornada.unam.m

Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Alcohol and steering wheel stock

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

By 2005, more than half of deaths in motor vehicle accidents was because the drivers were drunk. The percentage has been increasing over the years up to 10 percent on average because increasingly, not only those who drive a car until urban passenger trucks, consume alcohol, which even many who are accustomed to driving while intoxicated deny it, if it affects your reflexes and encourages reckless attitudes to travel on streets and highways.
The drunk driver not only risks his life but that of others: pedestrians, motorists and even people who work in public places, for example, gas stations. Collide with other vehicles, causing other drivers, drive irresponsibly and speeds through the denial of their reflexes do not control the vehicle if necessary, run over, injure and kill other people walking by sidewalks or cruising the streets. Dejan
pain, embarrassment and financial loss to their families, but they are taking their own alcohol at work or family celebrations, to which they have every right and it is your taste, but definitely not what we have is to risk the lives of other people and risking the family heritage by having to pay damages caused by their negligence.
Governments at all three levels have taken action to minimize traffic accidents caused by drunken drivers: is implemented in major cities throughout the breathalyzer at night, especially on weekends which is when the greatest number of accidents are recorded and dire consequences, with dead people are unfortunately present. Media
promote the designated driver, but the numbers continue to fuel the statistics and pages of the sensationalist newspapers realize the "accidents" caused by drunk drivers. Family, friends and acquaintances of those killed by drunk drivers do not even have any remorse for what they cause more severe corporal punishment require not only administrative permit to the offender that the cynical and arrogant "and you pay for" .
The problem of drunk drivers unfortunately not resolved completely with stiffer penalties and operational to prevent walk through the streets drunk driving, but are necessary steps that would have a better effect if there is awareness among decision makers believe that alcohol and drunk driving irresponsibly better, their families and Friends should not let the drunken lead How many friends have died from drunk driver accompany?. Although it seems
cry in the wilderness, to the growth of traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers, we must warn and warn everyone: now the dead are affected and to others, people who do not even know, but tomorrow tragedy you can tap on our door to tell us that a relative, friend or the same drunk was killed for his irresponsibility.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Islamic Message For Daughter On Wedding


Tejeda Olmos Elisha

started as a joke among local reporters implementation of term "niniperiodista" a certain class of people who mix with reporters at press conferences and public events, whether political, social or business, even more heavily on the former.
We apply the adjective "niniperiodista" the person who poses as a journalist, but not write or publish anything, but in most cases is devoted to borrow money to those detected as characters eager to be published or mentioned in Notes newspaper.
In my early days as a reporter just three decades ago, in the first 20 years or detected recently saw a "niniperiodistas." Later, having the opportunity to be Head of Press and several government agencies, private associations, political parties and several candidates for elected office, I faced the onslaught of blackmailers of journalism, some with a simple revista de poca o nula circulación presumían estar a la altura de periódicos como Excelsior o de El Universal, porque hasta el Diario de Xalapa les quedaba chico.
Cuando no se tiene experiencia en el periodismo o poco se sabe de él como ocurre actualmente con muchos directores, jefes o enlaces de prensa, según sea el caso o dependencia, pues esos chantajistas agarra pentontos como les dicen los mismos periodistas, sacan raja, conmigo más de uno hasta quiso enfrentarse a golpes porque pues nunca conté con presupuesto para satisfacer sus exigencias.
Pero bien, ocupado en mis proyectos personales y profesionales, dejé de andar unos años reporteando en la calle pero ahora que he vuelto me he encontrado with which a plague threatens to become detrimental to the noble task of journalism, so many niniperiodistas landscape and are part of routine reportorial activity, which even some junior reporters have confused me with one of them for unexplained reasons and generational unaccustomed to having to investigate.
Anyway, joking and laughing matter, seeing action at the niniperiodistas consider some colleagues of my generation and some other of the current that must be exposed to the political, social, and commercial, whom neither even be accused of usurpation of functions because, I repeat, do not write or publish, but are dedicated to seek and accept quantities from 50 dollars to where they leave out the object of your request.
But what harm do niniperiodistas readers may wonder? Well apparently none, because it would demonize the beggars outside the churches or those that are installed on the streets of downtown, but at least these are assumed as such and people will see it that way: beggars to that everyone knows how and why they give away money.
It is regrettable that petty politicians also narrow-minded, believe that such people is a journalist and pejoratively assume that all decent and professional reporters do their job would smile and praise them for fifty, a hundred or 200 pesos at the most.
If you want to ask for alms in news conferences or political events, in the case of the first to take place in restaurants that its managers will then put the warning sign as in many places that they reserve the right of admission: prohibited niniperiodistas entry.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Taking Xanax Before Brazilian Wax

Start new trial video for Michael Jackson concert


A judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles set a date to start a new civil trial related to the secret videotaping of Michael Jackson and his lawyers during a flight in 2003.
The process is promoted by former Jackson attorney Mark Geragos and Pat Harris against a defunct private airline and its owner.
The start date for new trial for invasion of privacy was set for February 14, informed the court on Wednesday.
After the first trial, Jackson's lawyers had won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit filed against the owner of the airline XtraJet Jeffrey Borer in March 2008, but an appeals court ruled that decision in January.
Geragos asked for a new trial instead of receiving a lower figure for compensation. Previously, Borer and an associate have pleaded guilty to conspiring in a separate criminal case.

Read more: # ixzz12MtO8WHv

Saturday, October 2, 2010

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death Fidel fall for

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

had thought and was told that the boat soon Gov. Fidel Herrera Beltran would be one more of those affected by the floods and damage caused by Hurricane Karl, specifically political. Much is wrong, again, their malquerientes and critics, because Uncle Fide misfortune has proved its ability to political surfer, climbing on the crest of popularity caused by the pressure of misfortune that nobody, not even the president of Veracruz, we wanted to happen in the ravaged lands of Veracruz Papaloapan Basin, Los Tuxtlas, Minatitlan and Coatzacoalcos.
I think-and I have every right as those who think otherwise, that since the governor Fidel has done what he had to do: get away at the head of all institutions and for having moral and physical support to those affected. Talked with my good friend from boyhood adventures, the Cat Morales, its no wonder how people get Uncle Fide when it comes to see them, cuantimás if other governor has ever done so in times of misfortune and that may not be recurrence (visits). Annoyed
to Uncle Fide malquerientes that inadvertently has been wanting to focus on international spotlight, as when the only case of H1N1 flu in the community of La Gloria, a town of Perote and that certainly has become the forgotten after of fleeting fame media and I visited every 15 days when a time came to deliver the newspaper Veracruz option for those courses and their inhabitants had no idea that the world would be a point of attraction.
Now with the flooding and it seems that early disappearance of the considered world heritage, the beautiful Tlacotalpan, cradle own or adopted by the poet, musician, Agustín Lara, the Coatzacoalcos River overflowed, collapsing bridges by force of water and winds of Hurricane Karl, the governor Fidel resumed broadcasting of television, newspapers of Mexico City, from abroad and not to mention on the Web, cyber-land politicians seeking to win in the sin are taking penance.
Politicians pay penance for being the cyberspace still a common ground, but not limited to public access, but also set them promote their mistakes are pointed out inconsistencies and large, which obviously do not like but do not take into account , deceiving as usual, or dismissing the comments with a simple shrug and sneer in their mouths.
Tan captured the attention the state of Veracruz and rebound the figure of Gov. Fidel Herrera on his closeness to its people, its people affected by natural forces in the empire Telerisa, the "Masters" Joaquín Lopez Doriga and its appendix political comedy "The sleeves of the jacket" showed videos edited to remove the figure of Fidel governance and glorify only President Felipe. Burda
for Veracruz media maneuver that almost every day have been closer to those affected Uncle Fide, which is undeniable and irreversible and that has led to the Governor of Veracruz to fall again ... up.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Bucharest, Michael Jackson was born

There are now 18, began with this concert tour, same is not the best but probably the most televised and seen around the world, October 1, 1992 was the big concert Bucharest Dangerous Tour in