Saturday, September 25, 2010

Best Black Work Tattoo Artist

up the unsung heroes Veracruz Live! Tlacotalpan

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

That is refreshing and encouraging to see that in the midst of misfortune a battalion of young people so selflessly offered to attend and physical and moral support to the thousands of victims channeled to the different shelters located in the port of Veracruz.
As in the 1985 earthquake civil society has acted quickly and although they say from the official sector, unorganized, to support those who need food and shelter, while the lofty bureaucrats responsible for the areas of civil protection, disaster response , similar social and agree on how and when and who will deliver the aid. Developer
is one of the marginalized neighborhoods which is located within the boundaries of the municipalities of Boca del Rio, Veracruz, has come before all, a van from the Yucatan! support for victims who have no clean water sufficiently.
cause great indignation that many who were ordered by institutions to support those affected by Hurricane Karl, take advantage of the affected material, charging that supposedly support or has been officially proclaimed to be free: potable water from pipes, shuttle boats and marine public safety and reconnections of electricity up to 5 thousand dollars!
The politicization of the supports, because the victims do not really matter to them are red, blue or yellow and pantries that have assembled and the PRD received that by now you probably already delivered to the victims. What matters is that help comes, in fact now there is no time for pettiness. Some
society groups have organized themselves into cells to deliver support directly and support their own food and water primarily, whether to expedite the delivery thereof or distrust of the organizing institutions, but remarkable here is that since last Friday, for example, have come from Xalapa these groups of citizens with no flag, no captions, no banners, no colors, no emblems, with genuine and pure support to help, to sympathize with many of those now left with nothing, homeless, without food and without even comfort.
seems that a week of that misfortune fell on communities of La Antigua, Veracruz and Boca del Rio, so federal and state authorities reached an agreement to help seriously in everything you can to the victims, at least not should do it is their duty and obligation.
So who, if they deserve a round of applause and recognition are those young men, these women, those men who anonymously have reached out and extended his arm to help his fellow man. Veracruz Those heroes who do not seek the spotlight, interviews, the picture in the newspapers. These people in these coming days and we have shown the best of human beings, such as those shown otherwise behave like hyenas, vultures and predators that feed on carrion.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Where Can I Get Wide Techdeck Trucks

virtual world of Michael Jackson J5 live

See Virtual Worlds have reached an agreement with managers of the estate of Michael Jackson to create a virtual world based on the late singer.
Users can interact in the virtual world about life, songs, dances, costumes and the philanthropic work of Jackson. Each of the places of "Planet Michael" will be based on a song.
Downloading the software is free and without connection fees. See Virtual Worlds hopes to profit by selling virtual products.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Naughty America Films

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

had not had the opportunity to visit Tlacotalpan for many years, although every year I say now if I go to parties de la Candelaria! Because my daughter Monica by workload could not go to tour flooded the area asked me to cover last Friday, which I did gladly because fortunately preserved the reporter's vocation, however what I saw on arrival after a journey of nearly two hours by boat on the squeezed me Papalopan heart.
Tlacotalpan reluctantly been abandoned by its inhabitants. A few are surviving on rooftops and waiting for help from anyone: the Federal Government, the State or society itself, organized or disorganized, but help arrives, it is important.
The tour aboard a Navy vehicle, the streets are empty and the doors open houses by the forces current one and the other by miscreants to seize the opportunity given to the prey. Only Tlacotalpan Museum is guarded by the military as it hosts a century-old work valued at just over 20 million dollars and already ordered the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán be rescued soon.
In one street, a family, father and mother, daughter and grandson, he told the reporters the evil that afflicts those who left and those few who remained. Despite rondines police, marines and army, the vultures take their tricks to break the door to death at night and break in and steal what they can.
Later, on a bridge that serves to cross what in normal times is a stream, now a makeshift shelter where the family eat each tlacotalpeños half that remained to guard their homes and their neighbors.
True, Tlacotalpan people are so accustomed to the invasion of the waters of the Papaloapan who dismissed warnings by Civil Protection authorities and municipal government, because for many, many years ago, not had seen a flood of such magnitude as to almost drown Tlacotalpan, the city loved by Agustín Lara.
Of those who were and are in shelters a few raised their things beyond one meter. Furniture and other items that are not plastic, and were spoiled. It is worth saying that I am sure many will have lost everything: furniture, clothing, things of sentimental value.
Other victims are animals, pets, their owners did not stop uploading or ships or boats. Some drowned and others have fortunately been rescued by friends and protectors of animals, as Laura Haddad another group of his companions in addition to reporting has gone Tlacotalpan with few resources but a lot of courage to work and save as many animals as possible.
There are many unsung heroes who at best will in the pictures: sailors, soldiers, boatmen, brigade, drivers, staff Sedesma, Civil Protection, Ministry of Health and police. To them, the Sinnett, we acknowledge that many of them have been there for 20 days Tlacotalpan least the same time you have been there PC's secretary, Silvia Dominguez, who, with integrity and loyalty to the victims, have permanent security.
went and came back to Xalapa, in thirty years of work I have seen disasters, deaths, injuries, disasters, fires, emergencies of all kinds, but seeing Tlacotalpan last weekend in these conditions almost makes me mourn, but it does not must be met to report and since the only good news, but good in the end, it will decrease the vent of the dams and it is expected that the water level down to the city thereby enabling the tlacotalpeños return to their city, for the counting of damages.
hope and solidarity, such as that shown by many Veracruz who have answered the call of public and private as the DIF as Avan Radio, continues to demonstrate it when the inhabitants of the Pearl back Papaloapan need further assistance, food and drinking water.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ovaltine Light Magnesium Content

flood Civil Protection

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

Go to the overflowing of rivers and heavy rains have too much absorbed to officials, workers of state and municipal civil protection, especially those from Southern California. Well, until the Civil Protection of Xalapa, although there are no rivers to flood the state capital but colonies of the lower parts that are affected by runoff, go reteocupados and concerned about the rain and consequent flooding and potential flooding in the lower parts of the city.
Well, at least so say the operators who answer the phone when, as last Friday night and Saturday morning from residents of the colonies Carolino Anaya, balconies and attached Sumidero spoke alarmed to report a strong gas leak, said that as a taxi driver who was to leave this passage on the high street plant in light of the CFE, sufficient for a lit cigarette smoker happen out there so we had the sad news of an explosion.
Nothing happened, the alarmed neighbors and could breathe easy on Sunday 4 September patriotic month, because fortunately there were no fireworks or thunder because of an explosion because the gas leak disappeared as mysteriously as it arrived. Also let me
write (say, if a reporter for radio or television) before speaking at Civil Protection neighbors did where they have been told you have to dial in an emergency: the number 066, where more than one, with some trouble the operator and operator, according to whoever answered, the phone forwarded to the Civil Protection, where as we know, so go go basis reoccupied as pesky alarmed just because it smells much gas. Hopefully soon cease
heavy rains and the threat of flooding in Xalapa, for then the Civil Protection of Xalapa take a little time to answer calls as of Friday and Saturday gas leak, total say in their slogan that prevention is better, because then nothing more we complain!

* * *

Yes, it is very true, to wit not beat the "sleeveless vest, but so is the business like Telerisa, since more than visible trends capsule Friday they want to show the hero President Felipe Calderon on his visit to Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, wetting his feet up to eight blocks and inserting a good job of editing a video of Gov. Fidel Herrera goes by boat to Mayor Papaloapan pearl, not to get your feet wet as the President.
If Calderón got the military vehicle to feel the rain that flooded the streets of Tlacotalpan, but he did behind Fidel Herrera, the only merit of the President would have fallen first, beat the jump for Uncle Fide, but he knows the ways and funds, no way to be lowered first to the Mexican president.
But anyway, business is business for Telerisa, maybe is the charge for bills not covered as those on the left PRI Jorge Carvallo dolphin, but otherwise the cynically hold virtual plurinominal deputy from November 4 next.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Neutrogena Advanced Solutions

busy bye Marco Polo

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

few days ago Belín Alvaro commented on Facebook, the parka members were busy with journalistic limb. Death, now considered holy by his followers, took a few weeks ago Fidel Samaniego journalist when he came to the port of Veracruz to spend their holidays. A massive heart attack ended the life of whom much like our earth, Veracruz and whenever he could, came to the port to be a milkman with his friends. I think
that was my friend Gaudencio García Rivera, editor of 12 hours, who introduced me to Samaniego. Seldom had the opportunity to greet him, but me was always a simple and pleasant, extending his hand to shake with the opposite force, not as others would hardly simulate and rub the presented or known.
Anyway, sad loss but we all have to go some day, we are ready or not. On Friday 20 August, another journalist colleague and friend to us in advance: Marco Polo Villanueva Cuenca, Cuenca brother Aurora Villanueva. For her, the children and wife for many years Telever correspondent in Xalapa, our solidarity and heartfelt condolences.
Marco Polo had its affects and disaffected, their friends and malquerientes. With reason and unreason, but as the saying goes, no one is tiny gold to be liked at all.
Marco was a man no hard feelings. Once, several months ago, I found him sitting on the steps of a major state government buildings. I was going to leave some copies of the paper option Veracruz and asked him was there.
He told me he was waiting for a lofty official who had been assigned to a payment of overdue bills and whose resources were required to land him his project of having his own studio to record the news I had planned to broadcast on cable television.
had been sitting on the steps because the staff of yore had not deigned to serve you for the umpteenth time and through his aides avoided him with the usual "and merit." Months later I met him again in another place and the payments were not met, but never lost the hope of fulfilling his goal, his dream.
still a few weeks ago, spoke with his loyal assistant, Jose Luis. The project continued without landing, and the promises remain unfulfilled. I suspect that were never fulfilled. Marco Polo was another journalist more a victim of the hypocrisy of politicians, that in their heyday were not original form of flattery to be on the news that sent Telever. Rest in peace
Marco Polo, like it or not, your friends, colleagues and acquaintances we will reach you sooner or later and then I think there will be time to continue talking. Also you have failed to leave, sooner or later with all his meanness.