Saturday, July 24, 2010

How Long Can You Wear A Ballgag For

One more?

Tejeda Olmos Elisha
Although I have not been enough protests against attacks and disappearances of journalists in Veracruz, most recently as Evaristo Ortega Zárate .
blanket impunity to government officials, police and even "business" motel as Reynaldo Quirarte, who now returns to boast of owning life and property to threaten to kill the photographer Carlos Hernandez when doing his job for reporting a crime dancer in the motel "Mary Henrietta Avenue Lazaro Cardenas, a few meters from Miguel Avenue bridge in front of the German and Northern Command IPAX.
Photographs and video of the cowardly attack of the motel and its employees there are the young photographer, are public record and there are even threats launched Reynaldo Quirarte worker known to local media.
To this day I do not know if the assault and the complaint in question, it should not take lightly the threats of the owner of motels and table dance turns black, it is known that such people are "friends and contacts "of doubtful origin, as they say in police jargon, no longer talk of those who presumed to have as is the case reported last year by a dancer who was fired without pay for settlement. Former worker
Reynaldo Quirarte made the demand as it should be with the relevant authorities but threats to the motel and his arrogance, was forced to appear before the Governor of the State to ask for his intervention because his former employer boasted that it justice and the law precisely because it stripped the teeth influences reach the first level of state government.
now covered in these alleged death threat influences a photojournalist, who sentences him to almost "killed like a dog"-this phrase is mine wherever you see it. Imagine a guy like that loose on the streets, threatening the integrity of either because according to his own words, just their crackling thunder.
Whether the young Carlos Hernández file the appropriate report, which takes place from photographer or not the company, only to be freelance, you should see now, immediately, the solidarity of the union that conform, at least apparently, more than a hundred reporters and photographers, because I do not tire of repeating, that can happen to any of us.
I know there will, as in the case of Evaristo Ortega, opinions respected as a fellow editor who simply shrugs his shoulders and grimaced argues: "The (Evaristo) was asking its publications" and the young Charles just say "he looked for."
Of the more than a dozen journalists headers every June 7 pass the tray to "celebrate" the "free speech" does not expect less, and organized a public protest, but I think too much to ask. Hopefully
and local journalists we are not waiting to drop "one more" then go plant or tore their clothes in front of Government House.


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