Thursday, July 15, 2010

Floor Plan For A Caravel

"The election is not over?

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

Already one of them said they won by a minimum difference of 2 percent, the other that almost 85 thousand votes, the third, with more than 400 000 in favor, accused of many things because the pointer that even if the latter does not accept. What names?, And everyone in Veracruz, at least those who went to vote-57 percent according to the IEV-know who they are and what they have to do is that if we change the names of would be very similar positions.
I think it is regrettable that under the guise of electoral passion has been lost lives before and during election day on Sunday 4 July. I believe like many people, that any election is not worth that price, the irreparable loss of life. There should be, but like many things in this life is. About
polemicize because the results do not favor them, are in their role to claim what they believe has been taken, the same right to those claiming to have won, as of which he remained until the third place by the will of citizens and complaint handling and the like.
But that call the people, the supporters, to marches, sit-ins, fights, grudges to throw gasoline on the fire of passion election, it is as I said, something should not be, but it is.
People clean, well-intentioned, who came to vote for Tom, or perengano Sutan, did his duty, he looked clean responsible for receiving and counting the votes, most of whom were ordinary citizens, there and there will always be unhappy, which then can hardly accept their defeat, will not release those who earned the win, everyone, who lost and won, has at its disposal the appropriate legal bodies, use them, for that were created and there are.
What counts is not taken back to the citizens as cannon fodder, put them ahead for whoever they like soldiers receive the first blow, the first slap and what should not be, until the first bullet. Those who want to rule
have very clear interests, lust for power is one of the biggest weaknesses of human beings to such an extent that no scruple to risk to which at most are looking for a job well paid and least their feeling that their will be respected.
No two ways about who can expect no loser and winner in a contest?
not favor one or the other, even the umpire that reflection is in favor of the citizen who has already done its civic duty is entitled to continue working, studying, attending their most important and undeniably, is the majority in Veracruz.
contenders continue fighting, arguing, but the legal channels are exhausted and get to work as promised, but the citizen to be left alone and do not take them as cannon fodder, not fair, nor valid.


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