Monday, April 16, 2007

A Congratulatory Message To Marry

The Fight Club

" What if all telemarketers should give incorrect information? What if rather than deal with claims promptly became involved in making public the details of their leaders?

be clear, the telephone operators in Spain charge a shit (or fail mileuristas), but large telemarketing companies want to keep all CallCenters abroad to reduce costs.

How much is to keep the secret of buying a porn movies politically relevant in Digital Plus? And what is spent in the brothel another politician who wants to close the road? Why travel such megaempresario every Tuesday in the Canary Islands? Do you want a list of phone calls that Bishop seems so honest?

Yes, I know most teleoperatas signed a confidentiality clause, but the Constitution also says we are entitled to decent work.

In a drunken conversation in a pub, a colleague told me that telemarketing companies do what they leaves eggs because they know secrets of the powerful, in fact, that we learn the secrets are the teleoperatas and others that would not do if we fuck up, we had a lax attitude to privacy.

sometimes we got a greeting signed by the head of the contractor, giving thanks for how well we did ( only because we did not see a single euro more ), I, I am curious by nature I searched internet data to the drawer and found everything: address, phone, second home etc ... All this only through the network, called a couple of friends and in less than a week, knew his mobile number and what was spent on calls, the movies he bought at D +, the trips were made by air, the damage he had in his house and he had Visa to pay next month.

I will not be me who encourages a anarconihilismo-terrorism as " The Fight Club," I'm not going to propose that we give the hosts on our platforms, but on the contrary, that the unions leave to stick between them and threaten the fuck up with their real strength: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of allowing telemarketing companies to roam " If they do not, neither do we "

* By the way, I do not think that all these data is safer in Peru, Chile or Brazil would have something to say, the National Agency for Data Protection?


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