Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Aluminum Boat Consoles

Telephone: always fucking

the phone stops working. Then you call a telephone technician who fixes the phone and goes.
To our surprise, when we tried to access the Internet can not!
call to Telefonica, but they say the fault lies with our ISP.
Our supplier is required to solve our influence, but there's a catch ... Telefónica has to call because they can not repair the line because physically not theirs.
Of course, Telefónica will not hurry to fix what they "accidentally" caused. This incidence
It takes more than a month to resolve the dispute, yes, always blaming our supplier.
And best of all, the same phone call us at 2 or 3 weeks saying they can fix the problem within 5 days, and that competition is incompetent for not doing so.

No intelligent life beyond this planet


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