Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wiring Diagram For Wheelchair Controller

The Duarte Xalapa, compliant government

Tejeda Olmos Elisha

as he promised in his campaign as candidate for Governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte Ochoa kept his promise to be with the people in upstate once anointed as state president, to take the checkered flag to start the work of Tuxpan-Tampico highway.
En la que fue su primera acción de Gobierno, rendida la protesta ante el pleno de la LXII Legislatura del Estado como Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Veracruz, de acuerdo a la nota escrita por Mónica Tejeda Hernández y el testimonio gráfico de Karla Lucía Pablo, el nuevo Mandatario estatal señaló:
“se cumplió la palabra empeñada hace algunos meses, cuando les dije que el norte de nuestro estado sería una prioridad y que nunca más el norte de Veracruz estaría desconectado del resto de la entidad".
Evidentemente satisfecho, con emoción, Javier Duarte avaló con su primera acción de Gobierno y asistencia a la cita que meses antes había programmed with the inhabitants of the north of the state, the following words in the next six years of government of Veracruz expect to see materialized
"I started a compliant government, demonstrating the will and spirit that I have to give results from the beginning "
I think with the above, it gives continuity to avoid a reinvention of the state as occurs every six years, although those who lost the election do not appear, but as the governor himself said Duarte Ochoa in making representations to local Congress, "Fidel Herrera get a government that always acted with great energy and commitment for women and men from Veracruz."
We hope so
of Veracruz, energy and commitment of the Governor of Veracruz with his constituents, no more, no less.
And in his speech to the deputies, the governor Duarte acknowledged that "what comes is a stage that correspond to the profound economic and social rights, a step that requires time to act and act well."
"New challenges and new needs of people requiring prompt and better answers" and "as a government we have to lead these changes before the changes will leave us behind."
is not it will work as governor Javier Duarte has received a wand magic and so clear in the legislative forum with over one thousand guests attended the ceremony that "there will be issues that require quick response, others that we may take longer, but rest assured that we will start working on them , starting now. "
and began "to and" with the checkered flag to start the construction of the road Tuxpan-Tampico. As the first commitment fulfilled, others are pending across the state and everything points to that vision of future state government has just begun, is the act of a governor who will not remain seated in chair main presidential palace in Xalapa, Veracruz, but all round.
Thus his call to all the Veracruz to "build an ambitious agenda that Veracruz actually a socially just and economically efficient" will reach each and every Veracruz, native and adopted, it will be to citizen participation as can achieve prosperity.
no use looking back, the Veracruz have to go forward with the governor Javier Duarte if we are to achieve a prosperous state. Visit our blog